Knight of swords Wini : Charge ever onward !

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Emmental · 106

After discoreving that there are a grand total of 0 decks featuring Winifred and Knight of Swords, i decided to share mine.

This was a duo deck for Innsmouth (hard). My partner picked Lily and Down the Rabbit Hole and said to me that he had 0 clue-oriented cards (don't judge him xD), so i went full investigation.

I wanted to finally try Anna Kaslow, and i though Winifred+Knight of Swords could be fun.

And it was.

Usually you have either Anna Kaslow or one Knight of Swords after mulligan, meaning "Watch this!" will always trigger on success.

Once you have both, you don't have to worry about over succeding : Pilfer, Quick Thinking, Nimble, Momentum, Lucky Cigarette Case... will always proc.

Welp, there is always the , but you play Winifred for the thrill, aren't you ?

So it was fun, but a bit broken after some times, because you have usually 6 actions per turn (Quick Thinking, Leo De Luca, Haste, and 9 (Ace in the Hole) one every two turns (that's the speed at wich you draw your deck). Lets round it at 14 actions every two rounds because you may have to fail one to get rid of Arrogance.

You don't have to move (Nimble cover this, money comes from "Watch this!" (and Pickpocketing, but i took this card mostly because of my weakness), so usually you get 5 clues from Lockpicks and Pilfer, another one from a Momentum, and you can use a spare action on a scenario card or to evade an ennemy. Remember, you are not a little asking for his when he steps on a monster. Usually, you are gonna help your fighter with a little or an evade (i hade Hatchet Man in the beginning of the campaign).

For example, while Lily was fighting the Terror of the Devil Reef, i swam (yeah, boat was stuck... two times... on another island... long story) four times accross Ocean locations in order to clear the keys... and come back every round to evade the Terror. Nimble also allowed me to search for Ellina Harper without worrying about The Thing That Followed too slowly (i had to evade it one during the game)

After cleaning the depths of Dagon's Lair (=exploring all locations, emptying them from there clues, and stopping the ritual), in 3 rounds we decided that there was no need to finish the campaign as the last scenario would probably be trivial (sadly we missed one flashback in third scenario).

Side notes :

Moxie is Leather Jacket(3) : fast, free, and can tank the horror from cycling your deck so you don't need to waste one of your actions on Liquid Courage (the test is not an issue, either use Anything You Can Do, Better or Momentum).

First scenario was a bit hard without Lonnie to heal damage and horror (i finished with 2 sanity left, after healing 5 from Liquid Courage during the game), but i don't regret Leo. Also i find Haste hard to trigger when you only have 3 actions, and therefore Leo is a greate Haste enabler.

Opportunist (2). Welp, the elephant in the room. Usually a core uprade on Wini, but i never found i needed it so i always prefered another upgrade.

Resources only come from "Watch this!". So you have to cycle your deck once or twice to pay for all your assets (but this is common Wini piloting usually). For example, Elina Harper was mostly used for her icons, as i prefered other assets over her.

Don't be afraid to draw cards in early, once your engine is ready you will burn through the acts in no time. Happened to me in Horror in high gear, had to stop the card and spend 3 rounds drawing. But after i used the car's four times, because i was too good at emptying locations^^

Level 0 deck here. Your clueing tools are Flashlight Sleight of Hand. Keep Pilfer for the 2 locations. Only thing i regret is the low amount of good competences in .

TL;DR: Winifred Habbamock is the reason i buyed this game, 100% would do again.