Calvin Wright cycles his deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JazVM · 149

This is my initial deck idea for Calvin Wright. As of right now, I see two ways of building him: with allies (Peter Sylvestre and Jessica Hyde) or with items. I chose to go for the second option since I don't own Jessica.

Instead of going card by card I will describe how the deck engine is supposed to work. The basic idea behind the deck is putting 3-4 horror/damage onto Calvin to raise his statline to 3 or 4. Afterwards all damage is supposed to be soaked up by his assests, namely Cherished Keepsake, Leather Coat; Five of Pentacles, Fine Clothes, Until the End of Time and Key of Ys.

In order to find the necessary items we will use Backpack to search for them. After we have used up the health/horror cushion of our items, we investigate via Old Keyring (another item!) to trigger Scavenging and play the discarded items for free from our discard pile.

The single most important upgrades are Backpack for search depth and Scavenging to save an action and immediately play our items (for free) for the discard pile.

Afterwards imemdiately get Five of Pentacles to replace Fine Clothes to free up the body slot.

Afterwards I chose to get Key of Ys since I like the (tabooed) item alot and I want to play with it.

Later on you can get Drawing Thin to combo with Track Shoes. For some fire power I also get one Chainsaw.

The rest is up to personal preference. I like Live and Learn and Lucky! to pass some critical tests or make sure Scavenging triggers.

You can either use Ward of Protection or Meat Cleaver to generate initial Horror. Since I plan on using Meat Cleaver in another deck for the same campaign, I went for Fire Axe and Ward of Protection.

Please feel free to leave comments :)



Apr 23, 2021 LivefromBenefitSt · 1031

Looking for ideas for Calvin decks. I'm quite attracted to Meat Cleaver over Fire Axe, and Mysterious Raven early on for clue-getting while horror is low.