Jenny “And another thing...” Barnes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DaveSea · 95

Just an ordinary gal fitting in as much fun into her days as she can. Jenny goes hard on rogue daftness on a quest to fit as many actions into one turn as possible.

With Lockpicks, her .45s and the Mauser C96 she should be able to manage most tasks when she's set up. Fieldwork and her skill cards can provide boosts or keep things going while she's setting up. Mulligan hard for Lucky Cigarette Case, Leo De Luca and Lone Wolf to get your card, resource economy and multiple actions going early.

Ideally hold back on the The Gold Pocket Watch until you've got set up up with LCC and you're ready for an epic turn.

Between the watch, Ace in the Hole, Pay Day, Quick Thinking and Borrowed Time, Jenny can pull off some absolutely absurd turns if you set things up right. Have fun!