Patrice Hathaway Mind's Eye

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


Mind's Eye deck.

The core cards:

-Mind's Eye


-Miss Doyle

With Cornered, and Mind's Eye, you will be able to do a skill test with skill base 6. (7 if you have Holy Rosary

Improvised Weapon,Winging It, Last Chance, Premonition and Stargazing work very well With Patrice.

Recall the Future allow you to do skill tests with more consistence

You can discard Winging It or Improvised Weapon with Cornered and play from discard pile in the same turn. You can do the same with Hope, Zeal and Augur.

Brute Force is a later Upgrade to deal with some enemies. Lucky! level 3 is very great card on multiplayer, if left some EXP.

Quantum Flux help you to control Watcher from Another Dimension, also it provides one "?" for skill test, you can commit to everything, and for other investigators.