Daisy Does It: Support

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cheddargoblin · 86

I made this deck to play after Zoey went insane during a campaign that started with Night of the Zealot and continued on through both standalone scenarios as well as The Dunwich Legacy. (Zoey succumbed during Blood on the Altar to a failed Willpower check with Smite the Wicked still on the board.)

My goal with this deck is to dispell the myth that you HAVE to boost Daisy's for her to be a successful clue hoover. On Standard the sweet spot is 2 over any given check and with not too many locations having a 4 or 5 shroud it really isn't much of a stretch to assume that she'll be in that sweet, sweet ~75-80% success range should she be taking investigating actions. (And even if she's not there are pleny of other ways to gather clues in the deck as well as more than a few ways to boost .)

The most important part of setting up this build is making sure to start the game with a tome. You really want to be getting that free action every turn. With 3 tomes and 1 Research Librarian you have an extremely high chance to get one within ~3 card draws if you hard mulligan for one and your second hand does not contain a tome. Don't be stingy with your Old Book of Lore. If you notice a companion struggling help them out by letting them draw a card, they'll love being able to filter out those weaknesses or unusable cards.

The allies in this deck are there to take hits for you and that's about it. Use their one time ability and then send them off screaming into the night or let them get devoured by a ghoul to make room for the next chump... I think of Art Student kinda like a Leather Coat, but that gets you a clue (but costs a little more). (I like the inverse Health/Sanity relationship between Daisy and Roland, but that means that in the same way that you'd protect Roland's Sanity you'll need to protect Daisy's Health.)

Laboratory Assistant, Preposterous Sketches and Old Book of Lore are there in preperation for Higher Education and to smooth out the functionality of the deck. More cards = more options.

Shortcut is there to help you get to your companions when they do require your aid.

Shrivelling and the 2 x "I've got a plan!" are to give Daisy a few sharp teeth. With all the card draw it's likely you will see at least one of these cards. Shrivelling can be a bit unreliable with Daisy's "lower" , but Guts and Inquiring Mind help get over those higher checks.


Aug 03, 2017 whaggardjr · 45

I like the way you approach the game. I've seen a few of your decks and they are always interesting.

Aug 03, 2017 cheddargoblin · 86

Thank you for saying so, I really appreciate it! :D