Silas Marsh - Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MisterRogers · 20

This is a deck I am running for an upcoming Carcosa campaign alongside Sefina Rousseau. Both decks are meant to be flexible, but Silas is meant to be the primary combat character. I realize he only has two weapons in his deck, but his agility allows him to evade those monsters that don't necessarily need to be killed. I do intend to give him some of the leveled up neutral weapons, most likely the Timeworn Brand, but that would be later in the campaign.

I specifically included clue gathering support for him so that he can help advance the scenario and work on lower-shroud locations. Winging It is a fantastic event to pull up extra clues, and the combo with "Look what I found!" and Take Heart can make for some hilarious shenanigans. All of those work well with Live and Learn, and allow Silas to turn planned failures into big-time success opportunities, especially while you have Rabbit's Foot on the field (it's mostly a win-more card in this deck, though).

Dark Horse is a fairly reliable card, but I noticed when testing that I needed to be conscious of keeping a certain number of resources around when planning to do clue gathering, which impacted my combat ability at times - it felt more like I needed to plan how to most efficiently dispatch enemies, and was rarely a major concern. The earlier version of this deck had Waylay instead of Live and Learn, but I found it nearly impossible to have the resources on hand to play it. Peter Sylvestre is a fantastic defensive card, and once he is in play, the Cherished Keepsake is superfluous.

Planned upgrades for this deck include, but are not limited to:

All in all, a fun deck that forces you to do calculus when you've planned to overcommit on a skill test by just enough and the chaos bag throws a -4 your way. Rated 6/6 cultists in Midnight Masks.


Dec 25, 2018 MisterRogers · 20

After the first two scenarios of Carcosa, I am happy to report that this deck has performed admirably. It takes little to no setup to run efficiently, and with the right cards can begin gathering clues turn 1. Sefina and I went up against the big bad in Curtain Call no less than 4 times (thanks to some nonsense from Spires of Carcosa. Two of those were back-to-back fights, which I was able to easily dominate with just my Fire Axe. One was trickier, as I was prevented from committing skill cards, but we were able to kill it between the two of us.

The Last King went smoothly enough, with each of us handling a nearly equal number of Bystanders. I didn't play my Axe that scenario, yet was easily able to evade the few enemies that showed up and was able to resign with full clues before the second story card had been revealed. Turns out that will and intellect tests aren't terribly difficult with this deck.

I don't believe Timeworn Brand is going to have a place in this deck, as the axe has proven sufficient on multiple occasions. I also forgot to list True Survivor as an upgrade card - I picked it up alongside two of the higher level Peter Sylvestre, but didn't have a chance to use it (more likely in longer scenarios). I'm excited to see where this continues to go, and to see how the deck performs under multiple circumstances!