Charlie Kane & the Men in Black Super PAC

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Travoltian · 8

After a disgraceful failed election campaign in Arkham, Charlie takes up a stint in a three letter agency to while the time away!

Give Motivational Speeches to encourage your underlings to do your (testless) dirty work for you – a politician should never have to get his own hands dirty.

Your long and illustrious career means that people owe you things. Calling in Favors with Miskatonic for the generous research grants you allotted them means you can pull Laboratory Assistant interns in again and again. Or a Medical Student from the medical department to practice on your men.

Rely on the Agency's occult department to bring back Kane's poor old childhood dogs for the classic A Chance Encounter/Summoned Hound combo. Or just use the weird old Hallowed Mirror you 'borrowed' from their old dusty warehouses to hypnotise your people into forgetting they're working overtime.

The power of numbers (I count seven people in the art for Agency Backup!) and a government paycheck allows you to Call for Backup and Gang Up on anybody who looks at you the wrong way. Of course, you may still have to be Resourceful and Scrounge for Supplies given how underfunded and in Short Supply the Agency is these days. Nobody believes in aliens anymore, smh. You can always Take Heart and play with Fido with its free action if things get a little tense and you need a break.

0xp deck

Of course, all agents have to start from somewhere... you may find yourself having to train them up a bit first before they can reach the full potential of the Agency name. There's a kid called Gregory who seems quite promising.

In the Thick of It makes the deck's core 33xp minus the luxury event/skill upgrades. If you'd like to use this in a standalone, as HungryColquhoun mentioned in the comments you can easily reach 29xp by ridding yourself of Drawing Thin (instead perhaps tapping into your Swiss bank account full of funds you embezzled for a rainy day) + swap the other event/skill upgrades with good class-based ones like Lucky!, "Look what I found!", Glory/Ready for Anything, or any of the classic neutral innate skills. If only Task Force worked like the upgraded Motivational Speech instead. Sigh.


Mar 17, 2025 HungryColquhoun · 8753

I like it, looks fun! Motivational Speech plus Agency Backup is a good combo for sure. No real notes, as you say if you strip back upgraded Inspiring Presence, Drawing Thin (replacing it with some other economy and/or card draw), Call for Backup and possibly Strength in Numbers they you hit 29 XP with In the Thick of It so that people can use in on standalones if they so choose.

Mar 17, 2025 Travoltian · 8

Thanks for the kind words + the tips. I will admit that I am absolutely terrible at building decks and this one is mostly just an exercise in coming up with thematic explanations for its in-deck interactions after I played a version of it in Hemlock Vale. Got into a theme-y mood after playing your cursed duo deck in circle undone (witchy women cackling as they wave their wands around cursing people with rot, can't get more thematic than that in TCU).

Mar 17, 2025 Calprinicus · 6170

Love me some Agency Backup decks!

Trusted & First Aid are worth a consideration to heal the men in black.

Bulwark & Galvanize can reready when exhausted.

Mar 17, 2025 Travoltian · 8

True! I might try Galvanize myself in the future. The only thing to be careful of with Bulwark is that the arcane slot it occupies might clash with your hound's. The idea of cancelling an AoO/getting another free clue or damage off before upkeep does sound appealing though, so I might toy with that as well.