Stalking Therapist | Clueving Supporter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Alchemy Never Fails 29 18 3 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

icypetal · 14


With this deck, Carolyin is meant to be the main cluever and supporter in a 2-player party. For clueving, Field Agent + Ancient Stone means free 1+ testless clues per round. For supporting, Alchemical Distillation provides a wide range of support: resources, cards, movements, and healing. Moving another Investigator has synergy with Safeguard, allowing you to "stalk" them for future therapy sessions. Healing obviously synergizes with Carolyn Fern's ability and Soul Sanctification.

How to Play

Always stick to the other Investigator, who's hopefully a dedicated fighter. Find clues as much as needed, and use Alchemical Distillation with spare actions to support your teammate. Giving them 2 free movements has the highest value potential because it can save up to 4 actions for your team. Once you have Soul Sanctification, healing can give you two charges of Unexpected Courage, too. All options can be good depending on the situation; flexibility is the key.

Card Choices
  • Alchemical Distillation - Quickening Distillate and Perfected are the two most important upgrades. Empowered is a no-go because that requires Carolyn to hit 5 consistently at Intelligence tests AND to sacrifice both Mending Distillate and Calming Distillate. Refined isn't necessary either, since we have Emergency Cache to replenish Alchemical Distillation. But you must start the campaign with Calming Distillate for your deck to be legal (else, it will have too many / cards that don't heal horror).

  • Shortcut - Another card that synergizes with Safeguard.

  • Safeguard - Do NOT upgrade this to Safeguard! You will lose the ability to "stalk" your teammate during your turns.

  • Shrewd Analysis - This card is basically free 3 XP because Ancient Stone is the only variant Carolyn has access to. Neat!

  • Inquiring Mind - This card is here mainly to help Carolyn cipher Ancient Stone. You can have Promise of Power instead, if you prefer that one.

  • In the Thick of It - Starting each scenario with 2 horror is almost an upside for Carolyn. And 3 XP goes a long way to set up your clueving engine as soon as possible.

  • Unexpected Courage - Included because it doesn't take up Carolyn's 15 / deck slots. Replace with Field Agent ASAP!

Upgrade Path

Field Agent and Ancient Stone are top priorities because you should gather most of the clues needed to progress scenarios. With two copies of Delve Too Deep, you can probably gain 7 XP and set up this engine before Scenario #3. After that, take Quickening Distillate and Perfected upgrades for Alchemical Distillation before getting Soul Sanctification. Now the core of the deck is complete and you can spend your XP more freely. Fickle Fortune to buy a round for your team? Stand Together for card draws? Emergency Cache for extra Alchemical Distillation uses? Deduction for more clues? Putting one copy of Ever Vigilant and two copies of Shortcut under Stick to the Plan can be great for tempo, too!

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