You can buy everything with money.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
You can buy everything with money. (Solo deck) 18 16 9 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

wehehe · 162

Updated version of the Original deck. These are the changes:


Jan 26, 2017 StartWithTheName · 67453

How did fire axe turn our in her now youve had a chance to play?

Jan 26, 2017 zozo · 2971

Glad you asked, `@StartWithTheName. I've just dropped 2x fire axe from my Jenny deck (just published a couple of minutes ago) for Machete. Fire axe has the obvious boost, and Jenny rarely wants for money, but it proved quite hard to get down to 0 cash for the bonus damage. Out of playing preference, I'd prefer to be able to take out a big enemy (4 health, say) in two hits, rather than three. Machete allows for that more reliably.

@wehehe - this is a solo deck, isn't it? What role do you see First Aid playing? It's quite a time-consuming card for what it offers. (But, understandably, if health's what you're worried about, it's more or less Jenny's only option for healing...)

Jan 26, 2017 wehehe · 162

Hi @zozo, yes, it is a solo deck, and as you say, it is there just to get a Healing option. Anyway, I'm wondering if simply playing Leather Coat would be a better option...

As for your experiences with Fire Axe, you don't feel it worths the space? I still have to test the deck, so I'm sure there will be a lot of changes in it.

Jan 26, 2017 zozo · 2971

Here are my fire axe thoughts: (broadly speaking, if you want money for Arcane Studies and Hard Knocks, you don't want to be dumping it all into the axe, particularly if you also want to be able to play anything else.)

Remember with Leo in play, Jenny's stat line is 10-9, which is pretty impressive. Let us know how the playing goes!

Jan 26, 2017 StartWithTheName · 67453

thanks for the quick reply. yes i think that was my concern. In a deck like this i would imagine stockpiling cash for a rainy day is never a bad thing. I wouldnt want to be incentivised to throw good money after bad just to get the damage boost. And i agree, If you are going to have to go out of faction for a decent weapon, you may as well get one that allows you to save up i guess, machete certainly looks like a solid alternative. Shame tho, fire axe thematically is always quite appealing

Jan 30, 2017 guybrush · 19

We can just disregard the healing and play dodge or grab a bullet prove west later. Also, playing knife, kukri or even switchblade instead of fireaxe or Machete will allow us to throw in some vicious blow to deal with our foes more effectively.

Feb 16, 2017 Django · 5032

Do you actually use her gun? If yes, you could also replace the axe with Baseball Bat.