Monterey Jack roles Indiana Jones

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

minikisto · 692

This deck (19 exp) scored all victory points at "The midnight masks" but one cultist ("Wolf-Man" Drew, could be gained with an extra round).

This deck takes advantage of cards like Eon Chart, Hiking Boots, On the Trail and Gené Beauregard quick action to perform action-compression movements which makes top synergies with Monterey Jack (extra card and resource each round).

You can handle enemies with 2x Mauser C96, Trusty Bullwhip and 8x events (most of them, "I've got a plan!" can be your best shot for top bosses if you set up accordingly (Dealed The Masked Hunter 4 damage in this scenario with just one event, Trusty Bullwhip made the fatality).

Clueing is not a problem since this investigator is a "hidden"-Seeker so if you can play one Magnifying Glass and the passive buffs Gené Beauregard and Dr. Milan Christopher bring to the table, clues will rain (in my shot, both copies of Christopher were drawed at the end of the game so both were used in Herman Collins negotiation.

Earnings will come from his investigator card and Dr. Milan Christopher, turbo drawing is almost the same, he is a natural since gains cards with movement and Pickpocketing.

I have some questions when dealing with larger bosses like Umôrdhoth and this kind of ending-campaign bosses...