Guardian Gloria punches keys while her team punches faces!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kickface · 19

So Gloria is a beast solo being able to control the encounter deck almost every turn for herself, but with this deck I tried to make her more of a support for 3 or 4 player groups where she is still very effective. She still does the normal encounter deck manipulation stuff with Alyssa Graham, Scroll of Secrets, and Scrying. Instead of Parallel Fates I took First Watch since it is fast, but in think either would work. She is still great at clue finding with St. Hubert's Key, Alyssa Graham, and Scene of the Crime. With larger groups and being able to predict some of the encounter deck, she can protect the team pretty well. Give yourself or another investigator an encounter card that will cause damage or horror, but play Delay the Inevitable on them before it to nullify it. Is Gloria with someone who can fight at her location? Give them an enemy and play Scene of the Crime on your turn!

Also I put Shrivelling in as the second spell but that can easly be replaced depending on the rest of the team composition with Rite of Seeking if you need more clue gathering or maybe even Mists of R'lyeh if you have a lot of damage dealers and rather have a way to evade.