Carolyn Let the Dogs Out

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

zovc · 130

The title is pretty much the entire idea here.

I want Summoned Hound to be a powerful, useful card and am trying to mitigate its weakness. I know A Chance Encounter is a better way of mitigating the Hound's drawback, but here's the idea:

You use Scrying to monitor the top few cards of your deck. In theory, you only need to check things once every 3 turns to know you have a weakness coming up.

Our ideal start is Ever Vigilant into a turn 1 Scrying, Doggie, and probably something else. From here, we're using cards like Eureka! and Calling in Favors to shuffle away our Unbound Beastwhen they're stacked and we can't avoid them.

I wanted to also include Pendant of the Queen, and there is probably a way to finagle it into the list, but this was a quick draft of the idea.


Aug 24, 2020 unremb · 251

There doesn't seem to be a need for Sign Magick, unless you really want 2 Summoned Hounds in play at once.
Alyssa Graham can also mitigate this risk.
Pendant of the Queen is a nice idea, my only concern is that it may take up too many of the Seeker/Mystic slots.

I had taken Carolyn Fern through Circle Undone with the Summoned Hound some time back: