Scared Clueless: Agnes Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
A Witch and her Shrink: Agnes Deck SUPER FUN! 165 139 5 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

alsostl · 14

29xp standalone deck, to be paired with the Carolyn deck.

The basic premise follows the "A Witch and Her Shrink" decks by FBones - let Agnes take horror for testless damage, and heal it with Carolyn.

This version is a pretty focused fighter, with enough clue-gathering to be useful when there are no monsters around.

There are a few great high-XP mystic allies, but I went for Arcane Initiate for the card draw and zero-cost. Leather Coat is included because damage is harder for the duo to heal, and your ally has no soak.

One weakness in the deck is that there's no real way to boost your evasion for those largely damage-dealing treacheries. 3 isn't a terrible base stat, though, and you have Deny Existence and Ward of Protection to cancel anything unpleasant. You could always swap Arcane Studies for Dig Deep, or put in some Unexpected Courage if you prefer.

Note that there are no Willpower boosting assets because the spells included have a +2 boost. If this deck was being built across a campaign, Holy Rosary would be a must until the spells are upgraded.

For clues, there are the classic Survivor tools of Flashlight, "Look what I found!" and Lucky!. If you need more, try Read the Signs to investigate at a base of 7.

When available, swap Flashlight for Old Keyring - there's no downside to doing so and you can freely attempt to investigate higher-than-2 shroud locations without using charges.
