Rex and Roland's Summer Vacation - Rex

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AndyB · 929

Two-handed campaign of Roland and Rex. Roland hits stuff for clues, and Rex does the investigating. The plan is to move fast.

Clearly, Rex is about investigating. That and running away:





8: Lost in Space and Time

Closed the tear

Yog-Sothoth appeared, but Roland killed off an Interstellar Traveller, used Working a Hunch, and Resigned. Rex did the same. Again, Rex was great with clues, and rushed through. Elder Sign Amulet and Police Badge were great sinks for Roland.

7: Where Doom Awaits

Entered the Gate.

Rex was monstrous. Disc of Itzamna got rid of the Wizard of Yog-Sothoth, and he recovered another 2 from his discard pile with Scavenging. Very fast on clues too.

Roland was cash strapped, but got his allies and Elder Sign Amulet out - a nice 10 point horror buffer. Also Roland's .38 Special with Extra Ammunition. Did most of the fighting, though Seth Bishop was hit by Rex with Strange Solution

6: Undimensioned and Unseen

No brood escaped. With the last possible attack, with Roland low on horror, and Rex low on health, they got the last brood. Made good use of every clue. Stand Together is very nice. Strange Solution didn't come out.

5: Blood on the Altar

Rex proved to be a clue hoover again. His ability makes him noticeably faster than Daisy at clue gathering. Used that to Banish Silas Bishop.

4: Essex County Express

Got through to the engine and got it started. Rex absolutely hoovered up clues - so fast, time wasn't an issue. No big enemies turned up, and a few cultists fell to Roland's .38. Little fighting, and few of the cars had VP - only 2 XP in total.

3: Miskatonic Museum

  • Forgot to upgrade anything Oops.

Rex grabbed lots of clues. He got Burglary, Dr. Milan Christopher and Magnifying Glass out quickly. Roland killed the Hunting Horror 3 times. Destroyed the Necronomicon.

2: The House Always Wins

Started very quickly, but got caught fighting in the VIP room, and then as they went to rescue Peter Clover Roland drew Cover Up, forcing a withdrawal to the alley for some clues. Again, carried the curse a fair while.

1: Extracurricular Activity

Rex got Dr. Milan Christopher out early, along with Burglary and Newspaper, and so was flush with resources for most of the game. Managed to use Burglary with +3 , to get 4 resources and a clue in a single action, twice. Did an impressive job of grabbing clues efficiently. Wasn't really threatened, damage-wise, and the only time he attacked it was with "I've got a plan!" or using Physical Training, so Knife doesn't seem so helpful. Carried Rex's Curse for several turns at the end - and kept passing!

Got Professor Warren Rice
