Freak on a Leash

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

gorphax · 27

This was my list for a true solo run through expert Murder at the Excelsior Hotel. It uses the ever-potent A Chance Encounter to cheat Summoned Hound into play without needing to deal with Unbound Beast. Commit a Hound to a test as soon as you can to get the ball rolling.

It's extremely event heavy because your Arcane slots are tied down by your new dog and the Empower Self trio. These allow you to empower definitely-not-Duke and investigate or fight at base 5, plus 2.

Forbidden Knowledge and Uncage the Soul are your typical resource padding. Peter Sylvestre and your Hound make you incredibly tanky, so your only source of healing is going to be on your Meat Cleaver, which can swing in at a whopping three damage due to Agnes' innate ability. Dog fights can be woven in as needed.

If I were to tweak this for campaign and drop to level zero, Spectral Razor would be top of the list. Recall the Future would be excellent, possibly/probably in place of Fortune or Fate, which was included because Exile is entirely a non-issue in Standalone. Able Bodied was for specific tests- arguments can very easily be made against it.


Apr 08, 2020 dubcity566 · 109

I like it overall.

Did empower self work well? It seems awkward to me. I feel like I'd rather use maybe cornered or recall the future and still leave room for maybe sixth sense

Apr 08, 2020 gorphax · 27

Empower Self worked extremely well. I think the ideal scenario for them would be in a deck that can run Well Prepared like Diana, but it definitely let me clear out high shroud locations with more confidence, not to mention the essentially free damage at 7 strength. It's just too much utility crammed into one Arcane slot to want to pass up.

Apr 11, 2020 nofacej · 1

This is a really spicy list. I like it and I've wanted to play a Meat Cleaver Agnes deck since it was spoiled but felt it didn't have the support at the time. Do you think it could be adapted for a campaign and, if so, what would you change? I'm thinking you'd want Blood Pact, Moonlight Ritual and Word of Command, but I have minimal experience playing Mystic in this game.