Joe Diamond - Solo Return to Extracurricular Activity

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Joe Diamond - P.I.Staker (Hard Mode) - Now Improved! 1128 926 42 1.0
Inspiration for
Joe Diamond - Solo Return to The House Always Wins 0 0 0 1.0

unremb · 237

Spoiler Warning

Return to the Dunwich Legacy solo (Standard difficulty):
Disclaimer: semi-blind run - several decisions within the game as well as in deck-building is done with prior knowledge of the Campaign in mind.
Though this is my first run on Return and with Joe Diamond.

Had trouble playing Inquiring Mind; Quick Study was more crucial than thought.
Scene of the Crime was quite hilarious when the Whippoorwill was at the final location.

Return to Extracurricular Activity:

Scenario Ends : R2 - 4VP
Professor Warren Rice was kidnapped
the students were rescued