The Shoveler (Beat Labyrinths of Lunacy 12 player)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Harvester of Sorrow 264 200 17 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Grimwalker · 1


On a team with a pill-popping Agnes Baker, a highly resourceful Joe Diamond, and a Rex Murphy doing Rex things, we pulled out a full win for Team C. I got Aquinnah down early along with a Gravedigger's Shovel, and my first kill pulled another Shovel out of the discard as the only legal target at the time. So...I was dual-wielding Shovels for the bulk of the game, essentially on overwatch while the more well-rounded characters advanced the scenario. Not for any particular benefit, but more just because it was quite some time before I found myself with the spare time to ever dig up a free clue before one of the Seekers got it.

Pretty much everything in the deck does just what it says on the tin, and people know how to play with Yorick's asset slots at this late date.

The most fun trick I had was running up Aquinnah to the edge of her life, then suddenly she feels all of her accumulated horror and exhaustion melt away the moment the next enemy dies.

Based on play I would make the following changes for future Standalone adventures: -1 Lucky!(2), -2 Guard Dog, +1 Scrapper, +1 "If it bleeds...". +1 Lucky!(0). Sometimes you just want a bit of extra fight or agility for Encounter cards, and being able to wipe out the horror you've accumulated while you didn't have a Teddy Bear in your pocket would be nice. On health I would have been quite all right if Joe Diamond didn't shoot me in the back!