Very underwhelming card, to be honest. Artwork is awesome, skill icons are good, and when you see a 5xp event you immediately go "wow this gotta be good". Well, it ain't! So for 2 actions, you get 4. That is basically it, this card gives 2 actions, and all without any boost or anything else. Also, you need to control a Melee asset, it can't be a gun or something else you had in mind. It is very difficult to understand the logic behind why this costs 5xp, when in the same box we got Hand-Eye Coordination which gives you 1 action for 1xp, meaning that for 2xp you get, well, this?! After all is said and done, i think i have found an explanation for this card, so hear me out:
There is a janitor over there at FFG. He works night shifts ofc, and has keys to open-up and clean each room in the building. Some years ago, and i think around the time when Innsmouth was being released, he started messing with us and started doing some "funny" things. So, when our designers distribute what will they do, they arrive at their office and what can they see? Some of the cards are already designed!!! "Sweet", they think! In their head they think the other designer has designed the card already, so even if they see the card they just read through it really fast and think "okay, he must have play-tested it so i won't complain", but little do they know that it wasn't the other designer, IT WAS THE GOD DAMN JANITOR WHO PUT IT TO COST 5xp!!!! He didn't know shit, he doesn't play this game, but he heard the others talk about XP and stuff like that, and when he was f*cking around with cards he saw those dots under the number and he thought "they won't notice that i've placed some dots there!". And those dots are, ofc as we play the game so we know, the experience cost of a card.
When all is said and done, we get cards that are so weirdly costed that it makes no sense, like Flute of the Outer Gods, Signum Crucis (which they realised after 2 years and changed it to 0xp), Blood Will Have Blood, Quickdraw Holster, Rod of Animalism, Clean Sneak, Katja Eastbank etc. In this campaign he got into the room couple of times, as we can see in the cards like this one Flurry of Blows, Stir the Pot, Providential, and ofc let's not forget that one time he said "fck it" and deleted all the new text that was supposed to be on the Fire Axe and just typed in "Fast" as a funny joke describing how fast he comes in and changes things without anyone noticing.
I think after all is said and done, FFG has really gotta do something about that guy, as before that guy started messing with us we would get maybe some cards that are completely out of the way, but in the last couple of expansions there is some weird shit happening around XP costs and effects, but not in all cards, just some so they don't figure that guy out, but i have figured it out!!!
Janitor, if you're reading this, know this = we will get you and feed you to a Shoggoth, you son of a....