Minh Thi Phan Helps Out

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JSlack · 1

Minh's ability means that skills should always be heavy on the deck.

The first thing that needed to be mitigated a little was Dexterity, so the Trench Coat was a logical choice. In addition, Manual Dexterity and the usual Unexpected Courage are handy additions. Finally Hyperawareness allows for pumping resources to inflate Dexterity at important moments.

The second thing to mitigate was the low Fighting ability, so the Fire Axe is a way to give some hope in a straight up fight. But there's also some evasion options with Stunning Blow and Survival Instinct. I added Persuasion as another option that can be used instead of evading or fighting.

Minh as a seeker is a clue hunter, so Investigate bonuses are key. Dr. Milan Christopher provides steady income, and both Magnifying Glass and Lantern allows for more successful investigate skill checks.

More clue discovering powers were added with Deduction, and in emergencies Working a Hunch and Seeking Answers (especially with tougher enemies nearby). I was worried about resources, so I added Emergency Cache. That said, Dr. Milan Christopher should be able to provide fairly steady income, but that depends on getting that Ally out early for investigations.

Inquiring Mind I thought would be useful for the really difficult investigative situations, especially if certain blocking Treachery cards get played.

There are also some generally useful cards. Fieldwork is nice to give a once a round bonus to a skill test.

For damage mitigation, Cherished Keepsake and Trench Coat helps with extra health. Logical Reasoning provides some sanity healing.