Finn "You handle this one!" Edwards

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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damirius · 1104

Our friend Finn is little bit low on willpower side, but we don't care that much here. I don't think there's viable solution for boosting his willpower enough. That doesn't mean that we don't have anything against those troublesome treacheries! I think that Logical Reasoning is one of the best splash cards he can take, especially if you encounter Frozen in Fear in your scenario, second card that plays around troublesome will treacheries is "You handle this one!", it looks like a selfish card, but honestly it's better for everyone if you let your high friends handle some harder tests for you. Last but not least, there is Peter Sylvestre, which is more reactive ally, he helps you with sanity damage which will sure come sooner or later. Not only that he boosts your , most of the investigators didn't care about this one, but Finn does, so it's a nice match.

Now, we know what Finn can't do, but what's he good for? He has relatively high and . If you want to be your team's main clue guy, you could go with Dr. Milan Christopher instead of Peter Sylvestre. If you go that route, which I think it's great by the way, you can leave behind Lone Wolf since you will focus mainly on clues and Dr. Milan Christopher will help with your economy. Third ally which I think suits Finn's needs is Dr. William T. Maleson which will help you with pesky treacheries and he will provide great sanity/health damage soak for such a low cost.

All that said, I would prefer 2 of those allies, probably Dr. Milan Christopher and Peter Sylvestre, if you want to go that route, you can take Charisma ASAP. If not you can take Adaptable and slot one of them later.

I don't have clear upgrade path for Finn, since this deck is open for various upgrades based on your team's needs. In any case I would prioritize Charisma, Streetwise, and Lockpicks. Lockpicks is the best card for him, even without any allies you will investigate locations with 8 ! You can easily slot in Double or Nothing so you can use it with Lockpicks as a Deduction! In any case, I would prioritize Lockpicks even if you are going more into combat build.

That said, if you want to prioritize combat, I would suggest that you start with Sleight of Hand, it will be already somewhat handy with .41 Derringer and Flashlight, but later on you will want to upgrade either your Flashlight or Backstab into Lupara. Which plays great with Sleight of Hand but also with your Smuggled Goods! Other cool combat options are upgraded .41 Derringer and even Switchblade. Of course Chicago Typewriter works great too (again Sleight of Hand and Smuggled Goods) and even as level 4 card, Finn can take it because it's Illicit traited!

Now it's card from mythos pack, but Lola Santiago is something else, I feel some strong connection between her and Finn. She costs only 3 resources, gives you 2/2 soak and boost your and , what do you want more from her??? Well she does provide more! She has amazing ability that lets you get clues for resources! How amazing! Interesting interaction is that you can bring the location shroud down with your Flashlight then in the skill test window for that investigation you could trigger her ability to get discounted clue! Of course you will probably want to have Lockpicks instead and maybe some weapon to defend yourself and those two will take up your hand slots unfortunately. Also this ability can be costly, but if you keep Dr. Milan Christopher to keep her company with his (err) Charisma you will probably have enough resources for it. You could also slot couple of "Watch this!" so you can keep your economy going since unfortunately Finn can't take Hot Streak.

Other upgrades worth noting are Pickpocketing since you will want to use your free evades, why not take resource and/or card with it? Other is Sneak Attack. It's not a problem for you to evade most of the times, but it opens up some room for breathing here and there.