Mystic Agatha - Cluever and Support

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ichinokata00 · 571

Mystic Agatha has decent clueving power, treachery protection and card draw.

1.) Eyes of the Dreamer + 2 copies of Spectral Shield + Uncage the Soul / Call the Beyond / Enraptured - Blocks damage from most enemies, treacheries and AOO and it's easy to reload the charges.

2.) Read the Signs + Katarina Sojka / Olive McBride + Jewel of Aureolus - Guarantees that you can play RTS every round.

3.) Drawn to the Flame + Stargazing + Ward of Protection - Have no fear of playing DttF since you can block most damage with Spectral Shield. Just make sure you have a fighter nearby if an enemy shows up. :)

4.) Cosmic Revelation is strong in 3p or 4p team. Use something else if you're playing solo or 2p.


Mar 16, 2025 Valentin1331 · 74962

Nice deck, a lot of interesting combos!

Have you considered adding a Rod of Carnamagos to the deck for more chances to pull Symbol tokens during Read the Signs (2) tests?

I also found Mortar and Pestle very good to pay for the looping of Read the Signs (2), saving a lot of XP, but using some splash slots.

Mar 17, 2025 ichinokata00 · 571

Hi `@Valentin1331 thanks for the suggestions. I'll test the Mortar and Pestle. This will help save 6xp for something else early in the scenario.

Rod of Carnamagos is a cool idea too. Not only the symbols for RtS, but it's ability might trigger frequently with the amount of curses I generate from Deep Knowledge, Call the Beyond and Promise of Power.