William Yorick Buries the Mythos, One Bad Dog at a Time

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Odysseus · 14

Will Yorick Buries the Mythos, One Bad Dog at a Time

This is a proposed deck and upgrade path for a friend who wants to grok the Survivor card pool. Inspiration has been freely taken from a number of decks out there along these lines. Considering the likely team composition for the campaign, I've made sure to include plenty of resource generation and to lean away from Survivor cards critical to a survivor clue-finder's game plan.

Deck Thesis

Will Yorick's access to test-less damage and fighting-based card recursion makes him uniquely suited to an ally-based fighter build centered around Guard Dog and Beat Cop. To use MTG terms, the playstyle is very Jund, focusing on resilience, attrition, sacrifice, and getting things back from the graveyard.

Upgrade Path

One copy of Charisma (x1)

Beat Cop Beat Cop (x2)

Guard Dog Guard Dog (x2)

Knife At a Crossroads (x2)

Overpower Strong-Armed (x2)

Vicious Blow Vicious Blow (x2)

Survival Knife Survival Knife (x2)

Another copy of Charisma

As needed, Emergency Cache Emergency Cache (x2)