Sefina Rousseau - Limited (NotZ, TDL, PTC)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Foodie_Monster · 7

So, this Sefina deck is my first on many accounts:

  • It's my first character I've ever played
  • It's my 4th deck I've ever built, so I'm not really very experienced with deck building in general.
  • I'm building it for my blind run of The Path to Carcosa, which I've never played before either.

The way I treat deckbuilding in this game is meant to not overwhelm me with options, so I go by these rules:

  • For blind runs, I must play investigators from the cycle - no exceptions!
  • Limit card pool up to the character's cycle and below. So for this Carcosa/Sefina run, I could only use NotZ, Dunwich and Carcosa. I understand this leaves a lot of staples out of the equation, but that's part of the appeal to try and become better at deckbuilding with more limited options.
  • Between Scenario 1 and 2, I may choose to change up to 2 0 cost cards for others in my collection. Yes, I know of Adaptable. But because I'm still quite new at this game and deckbuilding in general, and I'm putting the above restrictions in play, I give myself SOME slack.

So what is the idea behind this deck? Well, events! In my limited experience, it seems that Sefina Rousseau (same as William Yorick for the class) is an investigator that you need to build around its special skill. So obviously, that means playing enough events to be able to draw 5 under your investigator and, hopefully, a few copies of The Painted World ready to go in your initial 13 card hand.

So which events am I looking for to be those 5? Prime candidates are Ward of Protection and Uncage the Soul. You want to be able to say No to the game more than twice, and also both Rite of Seeking and Shrivelling can be quite expensive so Uncage the Soul can help you put them into play very quickly. And because I need a lot of event variety, I only have a single copy of that card in the deck, banking on The Painted World to give me at least one more play of it if needed. Other notable things to put under Sefina might be Drawn to the Flame, Elusive and Sneak Attack. I'm sure that in further runs, with more cards available, there might be other Events that make more sense, possibly ones that have the Fast trait.

The rest of the deck is pretty straight forward. Emergency Cache, "Watch this!" and David Renfield will make you rich. After playing the first scenario, I was swimming in resources, so much so that I think I might be able to remove one of these!

Holy Rosary and Ritual Candles are meant to help your brain go big, making both Rite of Seeking and Shrivelling do their job better. The Flashlight was meant as a cheaper alternative than Rite of Seeking for low shroud locations, but it hasn't served me too well yet. Might need to rethink that one!

All in call, I'm enjoying this deck. I feel there's flaws in it, but it's definitely serviceable!