Can’t Play While He’s Holding Candles

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ren6175 · 83

with the new FAQ, I thought about taking advantage of the cards with changed wording to add all symbols. I also think ritual candles is underrated in some investigators that don’t have much to do with their hands. I imagined this Jim deck that is all about chaos bag protection so that he can almost never fail.

Nkosi Mabati for symbol protection. Recall the Future for number protection. Grotesque Statue for auto-fail protection.

There are others but you get the idea.

edit: Tried the deck out in multiplayer. it works as intended but upgrades will need to improve tempo. Passing every test is great but getting one clue at a time isn’t ideal.


Aug 29, 2022 SpicyNugy · 2

I saw the taboo changes and searched for recent decks using ritual candles. This is very similar to what I had in mind. Thanks for sharing your list!

Aug 29, 2022 kai_spa · 1

How do you upgrade moving forward?. What woud be your fifth out of class card?

Aug 30, 2022 ren6175 · 83

The 5th card could really be anything. Shortcut maybe instead of Astral Travel. Upgrades are more chaos bag protection like Recall the Future and Grotesque Statue. But eventually you need some tempo so Sixth Sense and Brand of Cthugha since it doesn’t use a hand slot.

Aug 30, 2022 ren6175 · 83

I also just thought it might be funny to make Bandolier your 5th card. Then you could hold a Cyclopean Hammer and still put a candle in your bandolier.

Sep 01, 2022 Dummy Doctor · 1

How did you choose to allocate the trauma from In The Thick of It? I'm assuming a 0/2 or 1/1 split.

Sep 01, 2022 ren6175 · 83

Two things: first, yes I chose 1-1. Second, it isn’t absolutely needed but Jim has high health and sanity and Nkosi is kind of a must include now for Jim so that’s why I did it.