Norman Infinite Combo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Astronormanical Atlas (Deck Guide) 845 720 55 1.0
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None yet

azokul · 22

I decided to make a Lil variation on an "Infinite-Norman" list I've seen previously. Let's talk business:

First of all, how does it work and where are the Synergies?

As a normal Astronomical Atlas Norman, the main interaction goes to Livre d'Eibon + Astronomical Atlas + Any Skill.

  • 1 Deduction Per turn, if you wanna go for Investigation

  • 1 Eureka! Per turn, if you wanna quality-check your deck

  • 1 Prescient Whenever you wanna recover a particular spell

  • 1 Quick Thinking: If it's tabooED, it works like a Leo De Luca with the possibility to add another extra action during a Mythos Phase or during another player turn with an extra +1 to a particular skill test. Non tabooED, well. It combo with Written in the Stars for whopping Big Chungus turn.

Dayana Esperence interactions:

Written in the Stars, is a cool turbo-boost card, that can be used to create hyper-interactive turns.

Here are some combos:

  • Defiance for a safer turn, whenever you wanna avoid failing.

  • Deduction for a maximum of 5 investigation ( Close the Circle + 3 Normal actions + 1 extra quick Thinking action) for an hyper-investigating turn. Sadly, Norman has little to no movement speed, if you feel that extra actions are not consistent enough, you might consider adding Pocket Telescope.

  • Eureka! or Guts for card quality filtering or card quantity filtering.

  • Enraptured a "shotgun reload" kind of card if you feel you need a fast charge on Dayana Esperence or on Close the Circle.

  • Fearless if you feed you need a boost and fast healing, that might be the card to go.

  • Prescient usually this is a no-go for Written in the Stars as you don't usually need that much spell-recovery, however you might consider it after a full Dayana Esperence + Blood-Rite.

Versatile Alternative cards:

Vicious Blow for a heavy hitter variant with Brand of Cthugha, keeping in consideration it might get useful only when you get the 4XP version, as you get +2 skill. (so hypothetically making attacks for 2 base stat + 2 Chtuga buff + 1 Vicious Blow) That being said I would go for extra Unexpected Courage or Promise of Power to stabilize a little bit more the roll.

Inspiring Presence Extra combo with Dr. Milan Christopher or Nkosi Mabati for extra consistency and hyper Investigation.

After the "Core" interactions, let's delve into some configurations. One of the main aspects of this list is Flexibility, as far as your group needs you can:


Jan 25, 2022 Jaysaber · 7

Overall I think the deck looks great!

I have two questions, though:

  1. If the core of the deck revolves around Livre and Atlas when do you find a good time to play the Lexicon?
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Vicious Blow works with Armageddon? The attack uses Will and Vicious Blow only has a Strength pip. The same with Brand, I think you'd have to use Strength to attack with it, meaning you're attacking at 3 Strength.

Jan 25, 2022 azokul · 22

Hi, Thanks! ^_^

  1. I tend to use the Lexicon Early on before Using Livre and Atlas, my main goal there is fixing hand and resources as soon as possible.

Usually I go for the lexicon with Research Librarian, play it with Dayana Esperence as soon as possible, and start "farming" resources and card quality.

As soon as I get enough resources with Dayana Esperence + Blood-Rite I tend to abandon the combo for something a little more consistent.

  1. You're right, I didn't really play the Vicious Blow blow variant much. I opted for Brand of Cthugha with Vicious Blow

About Chtuga, you start with a base value of 2, +2 from Brand, and +1 with Blow. (not really my cup of tea tho)

Usually, I tend to go for Armageddon when a second damage dealer is needed, so.. Vicious blow there is not really an option.

Feb 13, 2022 b4sh0r · 4

Hi, thanks for your guide. I have two questions.

a) What do you mean when you say: "Ward of Protection (...) Fast swappable with Deny Existence"?

I assume i cannot attach a new event to Dayana Esperence, since she has "limit 1 event attached" and i cant get rid of the first attachment.

Or do i get something wrong here?

b) This is more a question about handling unique cards in general: If i get it right I also cannot play a new instance of Dayana Esperence (when she runs out of secrets/when i want to assign another spell), because she is unique.

Rule: "A player cannot bring into play a unique card if a copy of that card (by title) is already in play." (a assume this rule has precedence above the "discarding if slot limit exceded").

(With only three different allies and Charisma i also dont have enogh allies to discard her by overfilling ally slots, so i can only discard her by assigning damage/horror).

Thanks ;-)

Feb 13, 2022 azokul · 22

Hi! You're welcome ^_^

a) As far as ruling goes on Dayana, no, you can't change the spell attached behind unless it's removed from the game by another effect.

So, I usually tend to fast-swap the card from one scenario to the other, depending if the scenario requires a more flexible counter such as Deny Existence.

That being said there are some list variations that implement 1 copy of Deny Existence and 1 copy of Ward of Protection in the main deck.

b) You won't be able to play a second Dayana Esperence while the first one is still in play, but it's easy enough to cycle the first by assigning it horror damage derived from Ward of Protection.

That being said, i usually avoid that, and tend to recharge Dayana Esperence by using Written in the Stars + Enraptured or Enraptured with Astronomical Atlas

Jun 02, 2022 azokul · 22

ERRATA CORRIGE HERE. I was contacted by FFG support about the ruling of Dayana Esperence, seems that you CAN actually change the card under her at anytime.

Here's a brief chat i had with support:

Hello ########,

Thank you for your interest in Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

To answer your question(s):

Yes; by using the Free Triggered Ability on Dayana Esperence, it is possible to replace the Spell card that is attached to her. The “Limit 1” just means that only 1 Spell card can be attached to her at a time. If you do want to attach a different Spell to her, you must discard the previous one, similar to how you would replace a card taking up an asset slot.

Feel free to reach out to us if any more questions arise!


Alex #####, FFG Game Rules Specialist

Hello ######,

Yes, you are able to replace the Spell under Dayana by using her Free Triggered Ability during any eligible window. The new Spell you attach to her would replace the old Spell, causing the old Spell to be discarded, and the new Spell to remain attached.

Feel free to reach out to us if any more questions arise!