Dynamic Duo - Agnes and Carolyn

Card draw simulator

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Derived from
A Witch and her Shrink: Carolyn Deck SUPER FUN! 344 292 39 1.0
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olahren · 3294

Agnes Baker and Carolyn Fern


"A witch with memories from her former life and the shrink that started to believe!"

Dynamic duo!

This deck is part of a dynamic duo series, and is meant to be played together with Dynamic Duos - Carolyn Fern.

There's also a parallel version of this deck that you can find here: Dynamic Duos - Agnes "Bad Blood" Baker.

The parallel version is a bit more complicated, but also more fun (in my humble opinion).

The deck works just fine when paired with other investigators too, of course, but some cards might be less effective.


One of them thrives on taking horror, the other thrives on healing horror. Agnes' excellent damage dealing abilities combined with Carolyn Ferns ability to find clues and heal horror will keep our to heroes rich and safe. There’s also some nice teamwork cards in the pool that goes, such as Leadership, Archive of Conduits and Stand Together.

Weakness: Carolyn and Agnes are both investigators that require some setup to work. Also, both have low agility , which can be a bother in some campaigns such as the Forgotten Age and Return To Circle Undone. Yep, Locked Doors are a pain in the buttocks.

Disclaimer: Inspired by FBones "A witch and her shrink" decks from 2019. He’s the one to blame for this whole project, really. <3


There's several ways Carolyn can heal/move horror from Agnes. The most straight forward one is Ancient Stone. Hallowed Mirror is another and Solemn Vow is the third. Moving horror from Agnes to Carolyn's Peter Sylvestre is really neat.

Agnes on her side can take horror damage from Forbidden Knowledge, from Shrivelling and special tokens, Painkillers, Ward of Protections or just attacks and attacks of opportunity. Remember that she can use her ability once per phase, so it's possible to, for example, use Forbidden Knowledge to ping for one damage in the enemy phase.

Upgrade path

Important upgrades, in my order of priority

  • Shrivelling should be upgraded ASAP. You're the only damage dealer, so you need to go for...
  • Brand of Cthugha right away too. 2 Xp for two is worth it, and you will upgrade these down the road.
  • Prophetic is your next in line most important upgrade. It's frighteningly good for Agnes, as more than half her deck are spells .
  • Ward of Protection can be upgraded to Ward of Protection, without replacing the level 0. I think two wards are the proper amount of wards, however, but feel free to disagree.

Other upgrades (in any order you’d like)

  • Alter Fate (1) to get rid of Locked Doors and nasty ongoing effects such as Dragged Under. Note the Spell trait.
  • Deny Existence is great, as you have little stamina soak. It's also a source of horror healing in a pinch (read: Shrivelling backfiring).
  • Sixth Sense is a great when you have actions to spare.The level 0 is decent enough, but the upgraded one is even better.
  • Fearless and Guts are utility cards.
  • Dayana Esperence is a way to get even more milage out of your events. Attaching a Ward of Protection (2) or Deny Existence (5) almost feels like cheating.
  • Storm of Spirits is great in campaigns with swarm enemies or just lots of enemies. (In Dream-Eaters B, include 2 from the beginning).
  • Arcane Initiate (3) is a better card here than most anywhere else, since it starts off with 2 horror that Carolyn can heal.
  • Sign Magick was something I tried to make work, but I never got it to really sing in this deck. Too few actions, too much work. But you might have more luck than me, so feel free to try it out. <3

Tips and advice

Let Carolyn draw her Encounter card first in the mythos phase. If Carolyn draws an enemey, you will have a target for your investigator ability if you take horror from your Encounter card or a Ward of Protection.

Don't be too afraid of the added Doom from Dark Memory. Few campaigns are that time constrained.

I wrote this earlier, but it bears repeating: Agnes can use her ability once per phase, so it's possible to, for example, use Forbidden Knowledge to ping for one damage in the enemy phase, Painkillers in the Upkeep phase, a Ward of Protection in the Mythos phase and a Shrivelling backlash in the Investigator phase. Carolyn would have to book in some emergency therapy.