Well, Curses Dexter! (seeker)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kevster · 1

This is for my group's first, four player run through of Innsmouth. Dexter's main role will be seeker, along with Trish. Silas and Tommy will be on monster duty, with Dexter chipping in on occasion.

Astral Travel is included to help with the large maps of Innsmouth. Calling in Favors to dig for Molly Maxwell, or the other allies once Molly is all used up. I went with Crystal Pendulum over Holy Rosary to help with card draw and increase likelihood of Molly showing up. As this build is rather charge dependent, I chose to include Enraptured to help keep them stocked. Prescient is to grab spells from the discard pile and use Dexter's ability to quickly and cheaply play them again. Promise of Power will greatly help skill tests while also loading the bag with curses which Dexter can then use to power up spells like Armageddon and Eye of Chaos.

Faustian Bargain, Robes of Endless Night and David Renfield are all in there to help with resource economy. If they prove to be insufficient, I may include an upgraded Alchemical Transmutation, as I've had plenty of success with that card in previous Dexter decks. Other upgrades will be an early switch from Blood Pact to Spirit Athame and taking full advantage of Arcane Research by upgrading spells frequently, likely starting with seeking spells. As our group has decided to embrace the blessing and curse tokens, I'll likely want to include Paradoxical Covenant at some point. I'll also consider various other cards that either add tokens to the bag or take advantage of curses such as Priest of Two Faiths, Rite of Equilibrium, Riastrad etc.

Thanks for reading; comments welcome :)


Jul 07, 2021 slyguavas · 46

If you have TIC Dexter Drake , you might like to include Showmanship and Flashlight, especially if you're hoping to use Enraptured. As it stands, you'll have to commit Enraptured to someone else's investigation, because ole Dexter ain't so crash hot at default investigating. Scrying Mirror might serve a similar purpose, as you'll know when to commit the Enraptured.