Paradoxical Daisy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dagorha · 610

Hello and it’s time for another jank build! Today we are looking at Paradoxical Daisy. The goal of our deck is to pass all our tests with Paradoxical Covenant while triggering Armageddon and The Eye of Chaos. Solets dive in.

Strategy #1: Curses!

The best part of playing with any deck that runs curse tokens is the power we get from cards that add them to the token pool. Deep Knowledge let’s us draw 3 cards for no resources. Stirring Up Trouble gives us 2 testless clues and Promise of Power gives us +4 to any test! Between these cards we are bound to have plenty of curses in the chaos bag.

Strategy #2: Divinely Spicy Intervention

So Daisy does not naturally have many ways to add the Bless Tokens we need to trigger Paradoxical Covenant. So we decided to throw some spice into the mix by adding Versatile so we can add Book of Psalms. Book of Psalms is perfect for our deck. Daisy can activate it for free with her ability and add 2 Bless Tokens to the chaos bag! Oh and I guess it heals horror too or something. We are also running Enrapturedto try and add some longevity to Book of Psalms and Research Librarian to consistently find it.

Strategy #3: Moar Cards, Moar Card Draw

Versatile adds +5 to our deck size which is a bit of an issue when we are relying on trying to find 1 card? Fortunately we are Seekers and drawing cards is something we just do naturally. Cryptic Research reliably draws 3 cards without slowing our tempo and Perception will draw 2 most of the time. There is also Deep Knowledge that costs an action but draws 3 cards and adds curses to the bag for Paradoxical Covenant shenanigans. Tempt Fate is also a sweet card that not only replaces itself for 0 actions! it also adds 3 bless and curse tokens! Now you can’t get much better then that huh?

Strategy #4: Chaos Control!

Paradoxical Covenant wouldn’t be that great without ways to play the odds. Premonition let’s us get a sneak peak at the bag to see if it’s our time to shine to shine and Favor of the Moon pulls double duty for keeping the bag clear for our no fun friends who don’t like pulling curses all the time and for a way to instantly trigger Paradoxical Covenant when we draw a bless token or any of our spells when we are feeling spicy.

Strategy #5: Just the Good Stuff

The rest of our deck is Seeker good stuff. Magnifying Glass to pump our intellect cheaply and efficiently, Deduction for clue acceleration. Burning the Midnight Oil and Crack the Case to make sure we have enough money to always play our expensive spells and without costing us tempo. Scroll of Secretsfor extra card draw and another target for Research Librarian And finally Practice Makes Perfect, cause it’s awesome.


I hope that this deck brings you lots of joy, there are a couple ways to alter it and add to it going forward. Higher Education provides an efficient way to increase your willpower to make your spells a bit more flexible and Deduction of course never hurt anyone. You might also be interested in Favor of the Sun over Favor of the Moon to preserve your bless tokens and I could see an argument for going heavier on Tomes and play Library Docent to bounce and replay Book of Psalms. No matter what, I will talk to you all next time. Good Bye!