Parallel Daisy -- Guardian Angel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mordenlordgrandison · 444

This deck is so far untested, but I'm stoked about it! The goal is to embrace Parallel Daisy's access to Guardian cards in a way that makes use of her (potentially) very high . What does that mean? That means this Daisy is a glutton for punishment. She wants ALL DEM treacheries! The idea is to jack up her with tomes, and then, when the mythos phase comes around, to take on all those nasty checks that her teammates can't handle. Here's how the deck serves this strategy:

1) Assets that jack up : For Parallel Daisy, that includes any tome you like -- I have some faves of my own here, but customize to your liking. Your allies will help you find those tomes quickly. Of course, a tome in each hand only gets you to a of 3. Thus you need those two copies of Arcane Enlightenment to let you get that third and hopefully fourth tome down. Best of all, of course, is to pull Daisy's Tote Bag, which not only let's you pack even more literary heat, but also makes Daisy faster on the draw. Finally, we have the Tooth of Eztli for an additional boost during encounters. This daisy isn't nearly as good at handling checks on encounter cards, the second most common type of check, but maybe the Tooth+ "Let me handle this!" will give her a fighting chance (especially if you have a Manual Dexterity in hand).

2) cards that let you take other people's encounter cards: "Let me handle this!" and First Watch are the key here. The first gives you a nice boost to your skill value when taking the check, especially handy early in the scenario before you have your tome rig up and running, or later in the scenario if the test is something other than . First Watch, meanwhile lets you take as many encounter cards as you like, and assign the remainder strategically among your pals. Obviously, First Watch is best for large parties. I have a dream of taking all four encounter cards with Daisy at some point and just spiking them one after another...

3) Cards that reward you for your selflessness: If you're going to tank all these treacheries, you may as well get paid! The Tooth of Eztli, True Understanding, and Second Wind all reward you for dealing with treacheries. This rickety old rube might help you out as well, if you run across him in the course of your adventures...


1) Dealing with enemies -- Parallel Daisy does not like monsters. First Watch will help you avoid them, but otherwise, you'll be counting on your teammates... You have the Occult Lexicon and that's about it. As for evasion, Manual Dexterity and the Dream Diary might bail you out, but probably not.

2) Resources -- this deck is pretty expensive, especially given the pressure to slap down all those tomes. And it doesn't have much in the way of resource generation. Consider a couple copies of Crack the Case if it proves too pricey.

3) Very specialized -- If your scenario doesn't involve a lot of encounter cards with Will checks, this deck is, I admit, a bit pointless... Daisy is always a serviceable clueverer, of course, and there are ways to help out with this deck that don't involve taking everyone's encounter cards, but they are in spite rather than because of the overall design.

Please provide suggestions and critiques! I'm especially interested in ways to commit even more fully to the overarching strategy of going after encounter cards. Maybe Delve Too Deep? Anything else I'm missing?