Big Brain Daisy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

marbash · 4

Big Brain Daisy is a deck that was designed to be a part of a trio along with:

I find when playing solo that it can be more fun playing with more investigators as it opens up for more combos. 4 seemed too big of a party when playing solo and 2 seems like a little more limited so a trio it is!

The goal of this trio was to attempt to come up with a team composition that would work well together in most scenarios, with each investigator having main roles in the party.

Big Brain Daisy:

Daisy's main goal of course is to gather clues and use that big brain of hers' on her favorite tomes. Old Book of Lore is one of the best tomes imo allowing crazy card draw and Medical Texts allows Daisy to go around and heal people (cough cough Mark). I've included a decent amount of cards so Daisy can actually help fight like Mind over Matter, Shrivelling, and "I've got a plan!". Getting Dr. Milan Christopher early means big bucks and paired with Arcane Studies makes for more passing of skill tests :)