Wendy Adams (w/ Roland) Night of the Zealot one core only

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DeltaArena · 393

I managed to interrogate all 6 cultists on midnight masks (on easy, I haven't tried higher difficulties since I'm relatively new to the game) with this deck. And managed to stop the ritual. I only have one core set. So I guess this deck is for people who, like me, are relatively new and only have one core set. I started with the recommended deck, modified a bit after the first scenario. The upgrades presented here were done after midnight masks.


Jul 09, 2020 Synisill · 795

Everybody is new sometimes. I welcome you to the Arkham LCG community, DA, and i think you found a good deck for starters! The first campaign is like an introduction to Arkham. First you learn how to grab clues, then how to move and at the end of scenario 1 comes the big badass. Scenario 2 introduces enemies who follow you - but Wendy is good at running away. You also learn that there are most often 2 ways to overcome an enemy - by force or by bribery... And Scenario 3 is just a kick in the butt. It's very difficult, because time is so short. Hopefully you found the courage to try Wendy again in normal mode! The only difference is other markers in the chaos bag. You should give it a try!

Rulewise, my first matches in Arkham were a great mess! I overread that enemies become exhausted when you evade them successfully. And i did not understand at first when enemies actually attack you (Enemy phase or attacks of Opportunity) and where they spawn. But re-reading the rules reference helped me a big deal and right now, this card game is my all-time favorite!

I wish you have plenty of fun with your copy and that you find somebody to play with together. The experience in cooperation is so much greater!

Jul 10, 2020 DeltaArena · 393

Thank you very much, I have had a lot of fun with the game so far. Roland almost died and almost went insane in both the second and third scenarios just facing everything to get free clues while wendy runned around gathering clues and using the parley action on the cultists.

I do want to give it a try on normal now that I understand the game a bit better and also because this was the first time I played dual handed instead of true solo and wow, the difficulty changes considerable. You have so much more freedom and so much more decision making going on. In my opinion it made it both more fun due to having more options and more task managing and easier because you have more actions and cards and stuff.

But first I want to try the first scenario with a skids + Daisy combo and with a Agnes Roland combo to see how does pairs play before committing to the campaign with a pair.

Other that that yeah, it's quickly becoming one of my favorite board games. And once again, thanks for the welcome, is good to know I'm not alone against the elder gods.

Jul 10, 2020 Synisill · 795

Hi Delta! I had to laugh hard and unwillingly when i read your reply! Funny thing is that you are not alone and by long not the only one who paired Roland and Wendy - with the same result - Roland being on the wrong side of the stick, too! Just a few weeks ago i had a conversation with someone like you - read arkhamdb.com , if you are interested.

Your impression about the change of difficulty in multiplayer is adequate. The more investigators are involved, the more crazy combinations are possible and each team member can focus on his or her personal strengths, while in single player mode you are Abandonend and Alone (even when not playing my favorite orphan).....

The thing i like most about Arkham LCG is the ever new evolving story-line thrown at you through the encounter deck. A few people here wrote really cool stories about their adventures in Arkham, Massachusetts. Have fun while failing in the higher difficulties and improving your deck piece by piece! See you around!

Jul 10, 2020 DeltaArena · 393

Hi Synisill, funny enough I had read that one a couple days back before posting my deck, It actually help inform some of my decisions. As for the evolving story, it did think of turning it into a short story or something but I haven't made time for it... don't really know if I will, but the game does happen in a way to make me want to write it, if that makes any sense.

Jul 10, 2020 DeltaArena · 393

P.D.: I can't wait to get an expansion or something... And I really can't wait for barkham horror: the meddling of meowlathotep, I'm kinda hyped for that one.

Jul 11, 2020 DeltaArena · 393

P.D.2: I really couldn't wait, I got the dunwich legacy today.

Jul 13, 2020 Synisill · 795

GREAT! You are just like me, Delta! And, same as me, i am pretty convinced that you do not have any regrets buying it! Deckbuilding is one of the main columns of the game's fun-factor. And your pleasure will rise along with your deck's variety. The only downer on my side is that you will put my favorite girl into the binder sooner or later. She is a drag queen and makes a hell out of coping with her!

Let us know how your experiences with Daisy and Skids were. I am not too interested in Barkham (except the great puns in it), because i prefer to play long sessions with friends, and a side-story seldom fits into our main story-line. So i fear i will only play it once or twice. But thumbs up for the idea!!

Jul 13, 2020 DeltaArena · 393

I liked Daisy, she was really good at gathering clues... unfortunately, as soon as an enemy pops up everything goes downhill. As for Skids, I don't think he is really my type, although it could have just been the pairing with Daisy. With two investigators is not enough for Skids to just evade whatever comes his way, I needed someone to protect Daisy and his combat was just, not good enough.

I've loved the puns you get from just the Barkham articles, plus I mostly play on my own so campaign or standalone don't really make much of a difference for me in terms of how much I would play them. Or perhaps I would even gravitate towards standalone more, I'm not sure.

The Deckbuilding fun-factor did increase considerably. I was pleasantly surprised that they didn't take the easy way for new deckbuilding options. (pairing guardian-mystic, seeker-survivor, rogue-seeker and so on) It's really interesting that the expansion investigators build their decks in a different way, specially Rex with his restriction.

As for putting Wendy in the binder... we should see, Roland, Jenny and her have probably been my favorites so far. I feel like mystics have a lot of potential but with the options I have for now I just can't really tap into that potential. They might become my favorites one day, but for now she is one of the most fun to play as.

Jul 25, 2020 DeltaArena · 393

I just finished a run in standard that I was surprised to find my self winning, I was almost certain I was not going to, But Wendy was amazing.

I was certain, going into the third scenario, that I was going to lose. After all, I had only managed to interrogate 1 Cultist on midnight masks, and it was not the masked hunter. I managed to gather the clues I needed to advance Act 1 on the third scenario, making all 5 cultists spawn in the main road and the mask hunter went for Wendy, who had Lita. She had her because Roland suffered one mental and one physical trauma on the first scenario since he has defeated meeting both thresholds at once, leaving Wendy as the lead investigator to get Lita and the one mental trauma.

Everything seemed quite lost, specially as the doom advanced and Umôrdhoth himself spawned. Then the tides turned...

As Umôrdhoth joined his cultist in the Main Path, Wendy Adams and Lita Chantler killed The Masked Hunter using the Fire Axe. Somewhere else in the Arkham Woods, a weakened Roland Banks and his trusted Guard Dog gathered themselves, preparing for the last encounter. Then, it all went down. Roland launched Dynamite at the four remaining cultists, a Relentless Dark Young and Umôrdhoth, killing one cultist and injuring everyone else, before rushing in guns blazing. He managed to deal a Vicious Blow to Umôrdhoth before being overwhelmed by his enemies. In his, and his dog's, last moments he the managed to take the Dark Young with them and weakened Umôrdhoth some more.

Hearing Roland's screams, Wendy and Lita prepared for the worst as they waited for Umôrdhoth to catch up with them. And it did, appearing out of nowhere, hurting and terrifying both of them, striking fear into Wendy as she saw the Rotting Remains of its victims on it. But Wendy's Will to Survive overcame her fear and she faced Umôrdhoth bravely. Swinging her axe once, twice, thrice, she chopped at the monstrous creature, that saw itself overwhelmed by Wendy and Lita, who forced it to retreat to where it had come from.

Roland was never the same after that, he went insane with the shear horror that night caused. And Wendy and Lita will never forget that night.