Rookie Tommy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mur-podcast · 145

This is a version of Tommy that relies more on his survivor side than guardian. The logic is this: guardians excel at fighting, healing and mitigating damage. Two out of three of those things are things that Tommy doesn't really want happening to assets he wants to soak damage/horror on to. Generally guardians do well with Hallowed Mirror, Emergency Aid and Dodge. While we have included one copy of dodge, it's mostly because Tommy thus far has no real way of soaking horror. Cherished Keepsake would be the go-to, and might be worth including instead of Guard Dog, which is really just there to show options depending on if you're leaning into fighting (instead of Alice Luxley). It's possible an early Relic Hunter would be good to include, due to rabbit's foot being so powerful when you're half-planning on failing investigations while there are enemies on you. Without the fail package (Rabbit's Foot, Take Heart and Drawing Thin), it's tough to see Tommy being able to draw much past 15 or so cards during a game.