This Card looks to good to be true. Really, this card does it all. It costs just 1 resource, it does not require a skill test, it is good for 2 cllues even? It is in the same class like
- [Intel Report](/card/05111)
- [Scene of the Crime](/card/04103)
- [Drawn to the Flame](/card/01064)
- [Sharp Vision](/card/06204)
- [Read the Signs](/card/06117)
The main difference is the XP required, this one costs 2 while all the others costs 0-1. It is a fair price in my opinion though, when you look at the advantages. All you have to do is getting attacked by a bad guy and usually there are alway some 1 damage monsters around you can use. Intel Report costs a fortune, Scene of the Crime is much more situational in my opinion, Drawn to the Flame grants you an additional encounter card draw while Sharp Vision and Read the Signs both require a test. Well, I am not saying that those cards are bad - in fact they are probably really good but the guardian class has another card now in it's arsenal to autoclue for 2 clues at just 1 penny (and a damage), in my opinion, that is really strong.