
Objet. Charme. Béni.

Coût: 2.


Utilisations (1 charge). Reconstituez cette charge la première fois qu'un pion est révélé dans votre lieu à chaque round.

Choisissez un ennemi non-Élite dans votre lieu et dépensez 1 charge : cet ennemi perd les mots-clés Alerte, Distant, Furtif et Riposte jusqu'à la fin du round.

Kate Swazee
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion #22.


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The intended effect is generally good if you're already running a bless deck and/or an Item for Geared Up/Backpack. However, generally good cards often get cut now a days due to not being good enough for the deck slot. Which I think intended Ofuda sadly gets edged out due to limited deck space. As most Guardians prefer "ignoring" keywords by sending non-elite enemies into the discard pile with big expensive weapons which cost too much to play many other support cards.

Yet what's potentially very broken about this card is its likely unintended effect, as its the only lvl 0 slot-less asset that regains charges which taboo Pendant of the Queen loves.

As with Ofuda + Eldritch Sophist + Queen you get "infinite" charges for only 1 exp, 2 actions, and 9 resources. But what's really nice about it is that it leaves room to fill your hand/arcane slots with helpful non-combo assets and/or skip spending precious EXP to get the combo in play such as Relic Hunter. Furthermore, Ofuda is not useless while you're still working on getting the other combo pieces as you can trigger it's effect on annoying Aloof/Elusive enemies for your Guardian. And if you so happen to be a psychologist who has a great horror healing + bless generating card that uses secrets, then your Eldritch Sophist also has a side-job while waiting for the Queen too.

TLDR: Look out for Ofuda and the Queen.

McJames · 34
Scrapper is Red/Streetwise is Green/When will taboo/At last strike the Queen? — NightgauntTaxiService · 392