Traîtrise. Faiblesse de base



Multijoueur uniquement.

Révélation – Mettez en jeu Narcolepsie dans votre zone de menace.

Vous ne pouvez ni effectuer d'actions, ni déclencher de capacités, ni jouer de cartes.

: « Réveille-toi ! » Défaussez Narcolepsie.

Forcé – Après que vous avez subi des dégâts ou des horreurs : défaussez Narcolepsie.

Nicholas Stohlman
Les Dévoreurs de Rêves #37.


No faqs yet for this card.


EDIT: The card works as intended, read the comments.

FOR POSTERITY: So this card doesn't seem to work as it was probably intended!

The multiplayer-only nature of the card makes it seem like it is intended for other investigators to come and wake you up when you fall asleep. In that case, the should have the added text, "Other investigators at your location can take this action." You can't wake yourself up after all (since Narcolepsy prevents you from taking actions), and as written that action cannot be used at all.

The_Wall · 286
Other investigators can interact with cards on your threat area. It doesn't need to be specified. In fact there are several other weaknesses that other investigators can resolve for you, such as hospital debts — Weirdmarine · 3
Weirdmarine is right here. The card works as intended — Difrakt · 1304
As a follow-up, i feel like this card was printed specifically to draw attention to the fact that other investigators can interact with cards in your threat area, as it's not well known. — SGPrometheus · 821
Entombed is one of my favourites for demonstrating this interaction. Love the image of multiple investigators working together to get you out of the rubble — NarkasisBroon · 10
So, in case anyone else ends up going down the same damn rules rabbit trail as me, the reason you can use the action on this card is because a triggered action (like the activate action arrow), can be used by any investigator if it is (as ONE of the options, at least) "A scenario card that is in play and at the same location as the investigator. This includes the location itself, encounter cards placed at that location, and all encounter cards in the threat area of any investigator at that location." Now, weaknesses are a special type of card (aren't they always <__< ) in that , if they are an "encounter cardtype" (enemy/treachery), they are player cards when in the deck and encounter cards "while they are being resolved, and once they have entered play.", which includes the threat area. Since in your hand is "out-of-play", I assume that if a card had a revelation effect that ended with it sticking itself in your hand, other investigators would not be able to take that action; however, I don't know if this would be considered "still resolving" in this case. But whatever, as far as this card is concerned, there's the reasoning. — TheDoc37 · 468
Why is does this obviously wrong "review" still getting likes? It should be removed, it's horribly misleading — ratnip · 67

The top review of this card is 100% incorrect. The card works exactly as intended.

When you draw a basic weakness, it is considered to be an encounter card.

  • Weaknesses with an encounter cardtype (such as enemies or treacheries) are considered to be player cards while they are in their bearer’s deck, and are considered to be encounter cards while they are being resolved, and once they have entered play.

Encounter cards go to your threat area.

  • An investigator's threat area is a play area in which encounter cards currently engaged with and/or affecting an investigator are placed. The cards in an investigator's threat area are at the same location as the investigator.

So now it is in the same location as the investigator. Can we do anything with that? Yes, we can.

  • An investigator is permitted to activate abilities from the following sources: A scenario card that is in play and at the same location as the investigator. This includes the location itself, encounter cards placed at that location, and all encounter cards in the threat area of any investigator at that location.

Look above the word Narcolepsy and you'll see the word treachery.

So to recap: Weaknesses with an encounter cardtype, such as treacheries, are considered encounter cards once they have entered play. Encounter cards go into an investigator's threat area. The threat area is considered to be at the same location as the investigator. Any investigator may use activate actions on encounter cards in the threat area of an investigator at their location.

tcrudisi · 43
Honestly, I think it’s perfect that the top review is wrong. Because this aspect of the game is often overlooked by newer players. So seeing someone make said mistake is the best possible learning tool. — Therealestize · 73
Hah. Yeah, it's crazy how often these rules things come up. The game is incredibly complex. — tcrudisi · 43

The wording of the card suggests that the victim CAN commit skills while asleep, which is... interesting. Fits the cycle thematically, too... you're asleep but still helping your friends from the Dreamworld.

Amante · 10
It’s interesting and also enables you to pass a catastrophic test during the Mythos phase before it could be removed. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
You can't play action while in Narcolepsy. Other players had to wake you up. — Jashugan · 10
You can still commit a card to assist another investigator's skill test at your location, and encounters often force you to do a skill test to which you commit cards. — Signum · 14

what is the consequence of drawing this mid-turn? do I just lose all remaining actions even if another player wakes me up on their turn? This got drawn in the middle of using Blood Rite so do i get to finish that action? what is the order of operations in that event?

Roakana · 1
You have already taken the action and played the card to activate Blood Rite. Nothing about Narcolepsy prevents you from finishing the resolution of Blood Rite. You don't technically 'lose all remaining actions', but you can't use them anymore so you're pretty much stuck just ending your turn and wasting them. Technically if your friend has Swift Reflexes, they could take an action to wake you up in the middle of your turn and then you could keep going. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Brutal weakness for Amanda Sharpe. You're praying to draw this in upkeep or you stand a pretty good chance of losing a whole turn with her Forced. — TheTrueEpicureInTheTerrible · 1
@ZeeZeeZilla I'm not so sure. Her Forced states "At the start of the investigation phase", not "At the start of your turn", so even if you do draw it because of it, it still happens before any investigator acts, so you can get rid of it in the exact same way as you would if you drew it during upkeep: you let your buddies go first. If you're all split up or they're otherwise occupied and no-one can come wake you up it would've happened wheter you drew it at the end of the round or at the start of the next, no? — tinybreeder · 22