- Straitjacket vs The King in Yellow or The Necronomicon: if you have Straitjacket in play and draw either of the signature weaknesses that currently take up hand slots, or vice versa, the revelation effect is completed and the book is put into play. At that point, your slots are 'overloaded' but 'cannot' is absolute: Straitjacket 'cannot leave play' except by , and the signature weaknesses 'cannot leave play' except by effects described on the cards. So both remain in play.
Objet. Vêtement.
Révélation - S'il n'y a aucun exemplaire de la Camisole de Force dans votre zone de menace, mettez-la en jeu dans votre zone de menace en tant que soutien qui occupe un emplacement de corps et deux emplacements de main. Renvoyez dans votre main chaque soutien dans ces emplacements. Cette carte ne peut pas quitter le jeu, excepté par la capacité ci-dessous.
: défaussez la Camisole de Force.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
It is but a short step between the time this card hits you and when your permanent stay at an asylum begins. You better hope you have a Ward of Protection or Forewarned in your hand. Not only will this cost you two actions but you'll have to pay actions and resources to put out any hand and body items that were forced back in your hand.