The Desperate Detective

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Magic Al · 9

Most of the deck runs on 1-2 resources so as to keep sweet with Dark Horse and the Madame.

Flashlights are used so as to take advantage of the "no modified skill value < 0" rule, so as to keep Shroud 1-2 locations clean.

Mostly geared towards playing with Eidetic Memory (swapping out the Flashlights once the mental trauma starts a-flowin') so that Calvin can partake in Roland's sweet, sweet clue cards. Since Calvin is a late bloomer, these cards should hopefully wind up being played by Roland by then. Jenny on the team also provides a potential cherry on the cake, but I think the clue Insight cards potentially on offer will make better use of action efficiency.

If I can manage the inflow of resources, I'd like to avoid Scrapper in favour of prepping for the Eidetic Memories, some better protection and perhaps a Try and Try Again since we're fairly skill-intensive.

Update I: So it handled itself admirably in the first Carcosa scenario. Drew into an incredible hand of Dark Horse, Fire Axe and Flashlight. After faceplanting into some Rotting Remains we were hot to trot!

With a stonking 9 exp in hand, I ended up not-quite reneging on the Eidetic Memories per se, but "delaying" it somewhat. Without getting ahead of myself, instead I thought best to consolidate strengths and tool up with an Elder Sign Amulet & a Bulletproof Vest. Plucky is gonna serve double duty as both a resource sink for Dark Horseplay and further ablative shielding.

Finally, Cornered. The Desperate skills, whilst thematic, are pretty limiting. Cornered can alleviate that somewhat by at least converting an unwanted card into an Unexpected Courage. Also helps to boost Last Chance as well!