Finn would rather not shoot

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Xulez · 143

4 base Intellect and Agility? A seeker-rogue? Yes, please.

Deck Strategy

This deck revolves around getting resources to pump your investigation and evade actions through Hyperawareness, and getting Lockpicks and Streetwise in the second scenario to consisently do this at a cheaper cost, eventually enrolling Lola Santiago and using her ability every turn to get many clues at steady rate. With Smuggled Goods there to ensure you draw Lockpicks consistently enough, you will be investigating at 8-base value with nearly no cost. Until you get there, "Watch this!", Lone Wolf and Dario El-Amin will be your main resource generators.

Unfortunately you won't be landing hits. I considered .41 Derringer but it's only a 5-base value hit which is not consistent enough. And it forces you to play Sleight of Hand to counter the low ammo. At least it's illicit, I guess. But Sneak Attack, Backstab and Waylay will all help clear out enemies if they become one too many. Being forced to evade is not necessarily a bad thing in a campaign that punishes you for killing too many enemies.

Pickpocketing is an obvious choice for Finn. Drawing cards is usually one of the most valuable things in a game where you can build some nasty combos. Double or Nothing nows works perfectly both with Eavesdrop and Deduction. One action for 4 clues? Yes, please.

Elusive is there for it's amazing mobility perk and to get out of sticky situations.

Overall your numerous pips should keep you from needing to invest many resources in evading.

"You handle this one!", Guts and Unexpected Courage are there to protect Finn against the encounter deck and any nasty tests.

Mulligan Guide

Mulligan for Dario El-Amin and Hyperawareness. Keep Lone Wolf where possible. Ditch anything else but you might consider keeping Deduction+Double of Nothing if the opportunity arises.

Upgrade Path

1) Charon's Obol is a must for all rogues if you ask me. It pays for itself just one scenario later, but it kinda depends on whether you can rapidly acquire Streetwise and Lockpicks, and you're willing to accept the risk of being killed. 1) Streetwise, Lockpicks. At 8 base, Finn has the highest Lockpicks value of all investigators. Lockpicks will reduce the resource drain when investigating, which allows you to use Streetwise more freely and you will probably be at >10 resources consistently enough to activate Dario's buff. Lockpicks can be used with Double or Nothing+Deduction to grab 4 clues in a single action. Plus, it's Illicit so you'll be consistently grabbing it with Smuggled Goods. 3) Come in Lola Santiagoto replace Dario. Lockpicks has a base of 8 and with Lola this will turn into 10. 4) Upgrade to Pickpocketing (II) for a nice resource perk and to help recover for your expensive allies. 5) Start buying those beautiful & expensive rogue cards - if you bought Charon's Oble this should be feasible enough.


May 20, 2018 matt88 · 3093

What beautiful and expensive cards?? Finn can only buy up to lv3 Rogue cards. Imo, Finn doesn't need the Obol, just because he has no ways to spend that extra XP.

May 20, 2018 Xulez · 143

Sure Gamble, Ace in the Hole, Lucky Dice.