Russian Nuclear Codes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rymit · 1

lvl0 Collection:

  1. Core + StarterDecks
  2. Expansion: Edge of the Earth
  3. The Scarlet Keys + The Fate of the Hemlock Vale + 2xBreaking and Entering

Mental Trauma: Physical Trauma:

This deck was ran with Diana Stanley. Trish was main cluver.

Post campaign notes: Disguise wasn't very necessary it is more for the flavor. Lockpicks although cheap xp-wise didn't impress me. The highlights were in this order Gené Beauregard - she is worth the 5xp especially when running Underworld Support; Hiking Boots - super cheap yet very impactful especially on the large maps of EotE; The Red Clock - this card is expensive, however again Underworld Support provides consistency and I've played most of the game with it after I bought it.

Also worth a note are Backstab and Sneak Attack, which helped Diana with larger enemies, while Diana was able to pick up clues with Read the Signs in return.

PS: If anyone actually reads this. I'm very sorry for the [object Object] generated by ArkhamDB. I do not know how to fix it and the upgrade path probably isn't very relevant. Anyway, sorry for that.