Parallel Agnes fights her Curse with Forbidden Sutra

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Astarrot · 14

This deck is sponsored by my traumatizing autofail experience when i played parallel Agnes. When i played Drain Essence or Read the Signs i had a feeling like there is only red token was presented in the bag. But now i can fight against this curse by bringing Forbidden Sutra! This card was created like specifically for Agnes! The only problem - you need to bring enough heals to sustain poor Agnes ang guess what ? New expansion gave us famous Eyes of the Dreamer + Spectral Shields combo. (I realize a presence of a Grotesque Statue, but with Sutra we don't need to worry about charges, and get a sweet skill bonus)

So now we can cancel 2 damage/horror with this, heal up to 2 hp with drain essence , heal horror with fearless and push some damage / horror on Heirloom. We good to go right from the 1st scenario, just need to be somewhat cautious about weakness and don't be afraid to just play it sometimes. But after 15-20 exp in we can potentially survive with Dark Memory in hand to the end of scenario.

So every turn we take at least 1 horror from sutra activation, 1 damage from Agnes's ability and 2 horror from weakness.Peter heal 1 horror, up to 2 damage can be moved to enemies and 2 Spectral Shield protects us from Dark Memory.(Honestly, i still don't know if damage cancellation from Agnes's ability by Spectral Shield is going to work, so for now i heal damage only with Drain Essence. And i don't sure you can cancel 2 horror from Dark Memory with 2 shields or just 1 of it)

Keep in mind,some setup needs to be done before we can start rolling hard, but thank god we are seeker (well,technically flex) so we have some room for that. Other pieces in "parley pack" is Fine Clothes and new Whispers of Doom which feels super strong especially when we can guarantee success. For draw we have scrolls (if lucky we can even dodge our weakness). Take Hearts, Guts, Arcane Initiates (we have only 17 spells so we can miss sometimes) and Heirloom. I added Open Gate for mobility early in campaign, but later on we can take Servitor. Core upgrades is Peter (2) and Charisma, but we have so much quality of life stuff to take in! Scrolls (3), Arcane Initiate (3), Fearless (2), Enraptured (2) ,Summoned Servitor, Unrelenting and At a Crossroads. And you can take "immortality" combo Jessica + Peter, but i tested deck and realized that i'd prefer to have 2 initiates instead. Surely, this deck looks pretty simple, but can pack some tricks to figure out!

 Cost  Total
   Guts  →  Peter Sylvestre •• 2 XP 2 XP
    +  Charisma ••• 3 XP 5 XP
    +  Charisma ••• 3 XP 8 XP
   Spectral Razor  →  At a Crossroads 1 XP 9 XP
   Guts  →  At a Crossroads 1 XP 10 XP
   Take Heart  →  Unrelenting 1 XP 11 XP
   Take Heart  →  Unrelenting 1 XP 12 XP
   Drain Essence  →  Enraptured •• 2 XP 14 XP
   Eyes of the Dreamer  →  Enraptured •• 2 XP 16 XP
   Fearless    Fearless •• 2 XP 18 XP
   Fearless    Fearless •• 2 XP 20 XP
   Scroll of Secrets    Scroll of Secrets ••• 3 XP 23 XP
   Scroll of Secrets    Scroll of Secrets ••• 3 XP 26 XP
   Sixth Sense  →  Summoned Servitor 10 XP 36 XP
   Arcane Initiate    Arcane Initiate ••• 3 XP 39 XP
   Arcane Initiate    Arcane Initiate ••• 3 XP 42 XP

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