Dreams of a Madman: Patrice Habbamock

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NightgauntTaxiService · 385

Patrice Hathaway is a bit of a puzzle. Yes, you draw a lot of cards, but you have to pitch your hand at the end of your turn, meaning you can't count on keeping anything in your hand for more than a turn (at least until they give Arkham's Erestor her Silver Harp [https://ringsdb.com/card/10090]). Your statline also means that you're probably going to want to use some of the cards you draw for committing, especially since, though you do have access, it's hard to fit in the actions to play Spell assets that would allow you to use your . Since, again, you discard your hand at the end of the round, you'll also want to include as many icons as possible to increase the chances that you can actually commit the cards you draw instead of simply drawing them, doing nothing with them, then discarding them.

Wait... this is starting to sound a bit familiar:

  1. High-frequency card draw.
  2. Wants to commit a lot of cards.
  3. Wants to minimize the chance that she can't commit a given card to a skill test.

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we may have found Winifred Habbamock's long-lost sister.


  • Summoned Servitor effectively serves as an overglorified Pathfinder, allowing you to save your actions to smash skill tests, though it can also help you investigate in a pinch.
  • Don't save Deny Existence, either use it during the Mythos phase, on an effect you know is coming in the Investigator phase, or for the icon.
  • Use Hunting Jacket on cards you want to use later, Patrice's Violin on cards you don't care about playing or want in the discard pile (i.e.; Winging It).
  • Be careful with drawing cards during your turn; you don't want to commit Unrelenting, draw Patrice's Violin, then have to discard it at the end of the round.

Areas for Improvement

Let me know what you think in the comments. Hope you enjoy!