A Song of Thorns and Claws (29 xp)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ramun · 431

This deck is all about using the Thorns archetype, meaning that enemies will damage themselves when attacking you.

Retaliate with Survival Knife (enemy phase only), Hunter's Armor (Armor of Thorns upgrade) and Guard Dog.

Provoke attacks from enemies with Guard Dog, Toe to Toe and failed attacks using Knuckleduster.

Enchant your Knuckleduster to have a safe 3 damage hit once per turn. Enchant your Survival Knife as well if you have the opportunity.

Heal your Hunter's Armor's damage with Lonnie Ritter, healing her horror in the process.

Heal your allies using Soothing Melody and Calling in Favors.

Push your soak to INSANE levels with The Star • XVII (5/5 hunter's armor, 5/3 guard dog, 3/4 Lonnie, 3/3 Mitch).

Let your cluever friend do all the clueving because there is absolutely no option for that in this deck :)