Trashcan Pete: My First Deck Attempt

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Horrorhiker · 7

This is my very first attempt at a deck, with no experience. Simply went through the cards and picked what I thought would be useful following one play though of Night of the Zealot with Roland. Constructive feedback appreciated (pun intended).


Jul 30, 2024 Marymatician · 95

This deck name made me laugh way harder than I should have done. Some basic advice:

Magnifying Glass is great for Ashcan, as it applies to Duke's investigation attempts - you won't need Flashlight, you can rely pretty handily on Duke's own 4 Lore.

I also like the basic skills for Pete - Perception and Overpower are super simple cards, and maybe I just overrate Skill cards (my favourite type), but being able to push your Duke tests to 6, and then draw on top of it all, is amazing.

With your limited card pool (presumably only Revised Core + Dunwich, from what it looks like) I'd recommend Lone Wolf as an off-class slot - you want ways to make money in a Dark Horse deck, and Lone Wolf provides great consistent cash generation. (In case you weren't aware, your 5 off-class level 0 cards don't have to be from the same class! This is part of what makes the Dunwich investigators special.)

Working a Hunch is also a little clunky, and eats one of your off-class slots. May I suggest "Look what I found!" instead? Great way to turn a failed investigate into something even better.

I could probably keep going, but this should be enough to think over for now: my number 1 tip would be to cut down on the amount of assets you're running - I feel like you're going to be overwhelmed with your hand slots a lot. Ashcan's biggest strength is being able to hit the ground running by starting with Duke in play, lean into that! 24 assets is a lot.