DTRH Runic Axe + Spells Zoey (Flavorful + Strong)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

grahamre1 · 37

This is a standard, but effective and tuned Down the Rabbit Hole list for Zoey Samaras.

This list aims to get Runic Axe into play as fast as possible and then use Down the Rabbit Hole's ability in between scenarios to upgrade it. To do this we are running 2 copies of Prepared for the Worst and two copies of Backpack. Once we have Axe in play, Backpack can be used to dig for Emergency Cache or either of the accessories in this list such as Zoey's Cross and Hallowed Mirror.

Our role is a primary enemy dispatcher and to do that we are running a suite of Combat boosting assets like Beat Cop, Grete Wagner and Wolf Mask. Wolf Mask can also be used to handle Agility encounter tests.

Our other splash cards are Sixth Sense and Spectral Razor to take advantage of Zoey's above-average willpower of 4 to gather clues. Spectral Razor also triggers Engage for free to trigger Zoey's investigator ability or her signature Zoey's Cross.

We are also taking In the Thick of It and picking to take physical trauma which does not phase Zoey and her 9 Health. We are using the 3 experience to buy two copies of Brand of Cthugha and one upgrade of Runic Axe. I like to take the Hunt upgrade to have better movement and be able to get to an ill-placed Smite the Wicked enemy, but if you are playing with Taboo rules, then take Elders or Glory.

Zoey's offensive spells are all knife-themed to suit her character art and her Chef background/day job, while Sixth Sense is the voice of God leading her through the campaign.

Use Physical Training once you have your offensive pieces in place to boost her willpower stat higher in high shroud locations or in Fight situations with tough enemies.

Use Soothing Melody from your Hallowed Mirror to heal your starting health trauma or your Allies that inflict damage to themselves as part of their abilities.

In between scenarios, use your XP on upgrades to cards already in the list that are made more affordable through Down the Rabbit Hole.

Experience Upgrade Priorities

  1. Each turn make sure to use one of the DTRH reductions on Runic Axe to grab the Saga and Scriptweaver upgrades, then the remaining customizations like Glory, Elders or Hunt (if you were unable to at deck creation).
  2. Backpack (2) to help dig for Runic Axe and the accessories and because the base version is not that great.
  3. Beat Cop for more restless damage and to kill one health enemies that don't deserve a spell or charge from your main weapons.
  4. Physical Training because the level 0 version is terribly inefficient.
  5. Stand Together and Emergency Cache for card draw
  6. On the Hunt to dig for XP enemies and to not whiff like the base version can.
  7. If you have too much experience, you can use it on Charisma or Relic Hunter to have both allies or accessories in play at the same time. But this is a luxury upgrade as you might not see both in hand in every scenario.

Alternate splash cards if you are playing with a Mystic who doesn't want to part with their staple spells:

Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!


Aug 06, 2024 Dominikus · 1

Awesome, can't wait to try this deck. Thank you; appreciate the detailed yet not too verbose description and upgrade path!