Silent Hill - Terrible Decks for fun

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

yogibbear · 96

Start with 2 horror on Carolyn from In the Thick of It.

Hard mulligan for Katana + Steady-Handed. You have other things to do while you wait if you miss. Wolf Mask is also pretty important for the buff to .

Using Down the Rabbit Hole to accellerate cards in deck at cost of +1xp for exiting current deck, e.g. Charisma would cost you 4xp.

Basically you are roleplaying as a crazy psychologist running around with a Katana and Dynamite Blast/Explosive Ward instead of normal Carolyn. Completely jank to usually cluever / healer.

Once the deck is complete with upgrades, ultra late game (if you haven't won yet) can go for Girish Kadakia or something if you have infinite xp. Or you could do some sort of expensive reshuffle to make it a Stick to the Plan finale if you have a pile of xp remaining to make the finale reliable. Alt late game is go for Keen Eye (will cost 4xp from DtRH, so late game).


Jun 26, 2024 yogibbear · 96

Now I know this deck is crap, I'm just saying, you kinda have to have some fun sometimes and do stupid things.