Lily the Bullet Taker

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nappehboy · 24

Deck is built around getting the hex drinker upgrade and the +2 health/sanity upgrades on Hunter's armor and then tanking the mythos phase over and over again for you allies while drawing a lot of cards.

First few upgrades need to be better weapons (either runic axe or butterfly swords are your best options) and then level 2 safeguard/beat cops for you to really be online.

The deck plays like a Patrice/Diana deck where you just throw your cards at problems constantly so you can flip Lily's discipline back over and draw 5 cards again multiple times during a scenario, which you then use to once again try and negate the mythos phase. Other than that you are a goon that beats up enemies and every once in a while can grab clues with Drawn to the flame.

Backpack 2 is an interesting upgrade since it will find your weapons, vambraces, hunter's armor, emergency cache and refine which are all a core part of your strategy.

DO NOT save your cheap cards, play them for minor advantages and to guarantee passes to challenges by committing them so you can make sure you flip her discipline back over as often as possible.



Jun 22, 2024 birdfriender · 600

Since you have olive anyway, did you consider Voice of Ra instead of ecache?

Jun 23, 2024 Drostt · 57

I think this deck is quite strong, but I would consider more economy. I think it would be just enough to include Stand Together. Best starting: 1: ECache 2x Stand Together. Plus why have you decided to include only one Hunter's Armor? Backpack is cool with enchanted option for Armor.