Sefina Rousseau the Wealthy Mystic 2.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ArkhamPirate · 51

Sefina on Hard Difficulty

Possible cards to add:

+1 Liquid Courage

+2 Arcane Studies

Possible cards to remove:

-1 Manual Dexterity

Clue Finding

Flashlight covers shroud 1-2 locations

Rite of Seeking covers shroud 3 locations (with a Renfield or Holy Rosary or Guts or an extra Uncage the Soul in hand)

Drawn to the Flame covers shroud 4+ locations (with quantum flux and the painted world could be be using 5+ Drawn to the Flames in a game)

After the first mission Lockpicks are great


Ideally shrivelling

If that fails Backstab is okay

If that fails use your base 4 agility to leg it

Storm of Spirits or Elusive if you get ganged up on

Making bank

Ideally abusing David Renfield with a Moonlight Ritual handy (actionless 2-3 dollars a turn when there is a high doom threshold)

2x Uncage the Soul and 1x Emergency Cache give you set up money if you can't Renfield

Later on in the campaign main money making strategy is obviously Hot Streak

Use the bundles of money from Hotstreak/Renfield on Moxie and Lucky Dice!

Avoiding running out of steam

Quantum Flux lets you bring your kick ass events and used up spells back in to your deck. Also keeps Stars of Hyades rare.

Arcane Initiate insures that you draw them again


Feb 16, 2018 Django · 4906

Not sure if you noticed, but Drawn to the Flame, Uncage the Soul and Quantum Flux are not spells, so you cant search them with AI.

It's a nice idea to return many useful events with the toilet but the deck may be slower than you expect, this way.

Did you consider the phone to get AI out faster? It also helps clearing the doom from the depressed guy and allows you to gather ressources with him again.

Feb 26, 2018 ArkhamPirate · 51

I did a lot of consideration of Calling in Favours vs. Moonlight Ritual but I am worried about calling into an Arcane Initiate and being stuck with the doom at a critical turn. As I understand it putting the ally found with Calling in Favours into play is not optional, correct?

I am aware that Arcane Initiate cannot fetch the Insight events. There are a total of thirteen spells though which gives her plenty else to look for.

Still haven't started the campaign. A few nights ago I drafted:

-1 Scrying

-1 Backstab

-1 Manual Dexterity

+1 Delve too Deep

+1 Storm of Spirits

+1 Elusive

Feb 26, 2018 Django · 4906

I always include Delve Too Deep in any deck that can play it and use them near the end of the scenario, when you're about to win (and noone is close to dying). Resigning also reduces the amount of mythos cards drawn (very effective in a 4 player team if only the person with Delve Too Deep stays behind). The extra XP helps a lot, especially in early scenarios.

Regarding Storm of Spirits, if you're in a 3-4 player group i'd definately play it. The high cost and damage on a symbol may cause problems, did you consider Blinding Light II instead?

Mar 02, 2018 ArkhamPirate · 51

Ended making all the changes I was considering above. I am 3 player and am glad I went with two copies of Storm of Spirits. First mission killed three rats with one Storm and got a Delve in last turn. No regrets.

Blinding Light II seems pretty solid. Issue with Sefina decks is there are too many good things to spend XP on. Adaptability, Hot Streak, Lucky Dice, Gold Watch, Moxie and Lockpicks are all top priority.

Mar 02, 2018 Django · 4906

"Search" and "Additional Cost" is defined in the rules. Both are mandatory, so if there's only one valid target for Calling in Favors and you have the ressources to play the target, you have to do so. So you may be stuck with the doom on Arcane Initiate.

For your own sanity, you should decide on a deck strategy and focus on those cards. Like if you focus on mystic, you shouldn't use any rogue cards with similar effects as the mystic side, like Lockpicks if you use Rite of Seeking.

Problem is if you do, you also need to include boosters for both side. Like for mystic and and for rogue.