William Yorick goes on a hunt

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

screamingabdab · 98

I've been wanting to play Old Hunting Rifle for sometime now, but kept being distracted by other decks. Well the time came and this mean old deck was born.

I just finished playing through RttCU and it destroyed everything. The core of the deck is of course 2x Old Hunting Rifle and in order to never have it fail on attack we have a suite of cards consisting of Heavy Furs, Eucatastrophe, Third Time's a Charm and Will to Survive.

It is an expensive deck, hence the inclusion of 2x Emergency Cache and a first time for me The Fool • 0.

It's a great fun deck to play as you have very little to very about when it comes to the mulligan. Try to find your Emergency Cache, Brute Force and Resourceful. Everything else will take of itself as you can either recurse it via Yorricks ability or via Resourceful.

There really aren't many things in the game that can stand up to testless 9dmg in a turn and if it going to, just drop a Stunning Blow onto one your auto-success attacks.


Dec 29, 2023 tasman · 1

I'm not seeing the 9 restless damage.... how do you achieve that?

Jan 02, 2024 screamingabdab · 98

lvl3 Will to Survive means you don't draw tokens and just fire 3 shots from the Old Hunting Rifle. 9 testless damage, easy :)