Look ma! Only hands!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KOTLPhish · 2

Utilizing Diana's naturally high , combined with extra hand slots from Binder's Jar + Astral Mirror, the fuel provided by Explosive Ward and Eldritch Initiation, and the safety from Elle Rubash and Sin-Eater, we can put the doom tools from the mystic class to good use.

Some people might call it mystic with extra steps, but I call it a new, fun type of interactivity unique to mystic.


Aug 15, 2023 NightgauntTaxiService · 345

Ooh, very interesting. Looks like a fairly effective build for the doom Charms, and also makes the extra arcane slot cards something other than a meme. The only real concern I have is that clue-gathering looks like it'll be a bit hard early on, only hitting 4 with the boost from Dowsing Rod, though that's circumventable (using your once you've got enough cards beneath you, or focusing more on handling enemies).

While I do think there are some potential tweaks that could be made (Abyssal Tome instead of the Ceremonial Sickle, for example), I think you've found a very, very intriguing new deck to play. Congratulations on your discovery.

Aug 15, 2023 rodro · 73

This deck looks dope. If you manage to buy I've had worse... (2) and/or run Delay the Unevitable this Diana looks inmortal when the whole setup is on the table.