- Q: I have seen a question following up on a ruling concerning the cards Tool Belt and Trigger Man. I have seen a ruling that allows Tool Belt to swap an Illicit Tool attached to Trigger man with a non-Illicit Tool attached to Tool Belt, which then allows the non-Illicit tool to be activated using Trigger Man's ability. I've noticed that the card Elle Rubash has similar wording to Tool Belt. Does this mean that Elle Rubash can be used the same way? Specifically, if I have a card attached to Trigger Man with doom on it, can I swap that card with a card attached Elle Rubash, and then use Trigger Man's ability with the newly attached card? A: Yes, Tool Belt and Triger Man can be used in that way, and yes, a similar logic can apply to Elle Rubash. If Trigger Man’s attached asset has doom on it, Elle Rubash can target that asset and “switch” it with one attached to her, then Trigger Man’s ability can be used on the newly attached asset. (Rules Forum Answer, February 2025)
Elle Rubash
Soutien. Allié
Allié. Ensorceleur.
Coût: 3. XP: 2.
Vous gagnez +1 à votre valeur de compétence tant que vous résolvez un test de compétence sur un soutien attaché.
Pour chaque soutien attaché, 1 fatalité qui est dessus n'est pas comptabilisée pour déterminer si le seuil de fatalité de l'intrigue est atteint.
Inclinez Elle Rubash : choisissez un soutien dans votre zone de jeu qui a au moins 1 fatalité sur lui. Attachez-le à Elle Rubash, ou échangez-le avec un soutien attaché. (Limite de 2 soutiens attachés.)

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
For mystics, David Renfield provides bonus but many investigators avoid using him due to doom. Now, Elle helps to solve that problem. With Renfield + Elle, you can get +1 bonus as well as 1 free resource for each round; notice that you do not choose to add doom onto Renfield when triggering his ability.
However, some problems remain. We need Charisma, so that true xp cost of this combo is not 2xp but 5xp (or 7xp for 2 Elle in the deck). In addition, we give up the great ally, Arcane Initiate, or need additional 3xp. Finally, the overall cost of Renfield + Elle is 5 resource, which is high even if we could earn 1 resource per turn. Of course, it is good chance that we revisit David Renfield without any fear about placing a doom.
I write the above review before the least taboo was revealed and now that combo is 13xp. Now, that's too expansive combo IMO.
This card is going to be a staple for doom decks going forward, unless they change something. Elle gives insane value, and for just 2xp. Even if you clear the doom from a card, as long as it is still attached to Elle, you can keep your +1. She plays well with Ghastly Possession and the new Ceremonial Sickle and Dowsing Rod. Together with Sin-Eater, doom will be much easier to manage for any mystic bold enough to play with it.
It only checks 1 or more doom at the moment of attaching/swapping, so if you already managed to get 2 assets attached and then the agenda wipes off all the doom (one doom just does not count towards the threshold, but still in play and to be removed), now you can use clean assets that are already attached which could be handy in agenda with tight doom threshold.